
defmodule Absinthe.Adapter do
  @moduledoc """
  Absinthe supports an adapter mechanism that allows developers to define their
  schema using one code convention (eg, `snake_cased` fields and arguments), but
  accept query documents and return results (including names in errors) in
  another (eg, `camelCase`).

  Adapters aren't a part of GraphQL, but a utility that Absinthe adds so that
  both client and server can use use conventions most natural to them.

  Absinthe ships with four adapters:

  * `Absinthe.Adapter.LanguageConventions`, which expects schemas to be defined
    in `snake_case` (the standard Elixir convention), translating to/from `camelCase`
    for incoming query documents and outgoing results. (This is the default as of v0.3.)
  * `Absinthe.Adapter.Underscore`, which is similar to the `Absinthe.Adapter.LanguageConventions`
    adapter but converts all incoming identifiers to underscores and does not
    modify outgoing identifiers (since those are already expected to be
    underscores). Unlike `Absinthe.Adapter.Passthrough` this does not break
  * `Absinthe.Adapter.Passthrough`, which is a no-op adapter and makes no
    modifications. (Note at the current time this does not support introspection
    if you're using camelized conventions).
  * `Absinthe.Adapter.StrictLanguageConventions`, which expects schemas to be
    defined in `snake_case`, translating to `camelCase` for outgoing results.
    This adapter requires incoming query documents to use `camelCase`.

  To set an adapter, you pass a configuration option at runtime:

  For ``:

    adapter: YourApp.Adapter.TheAdapterName

  For `Absinthe.Plug`:

  forward "/api",
    to: Absinthe.Plug,
    init_opts: [schema: MyAppWeb.Schema, adapter: YourApp.Adapter.TheAdapterName]

  For GraphiQL:

  forward "/graphiql",
    to: Absinthe.Plug.GraphiQL,
    init_opts: [schema: MyAppWeb.Schema, adapter: YourApp.Adapter.TheAdapterName]

  Check `Absinthe.Plug` for full documentation on using the Plugs

  Notably, this means you're able to switch adapters on case-by-case basis.
  In a Phoenix application, this means you could even support using different
  adapters for different clients.

  A custom adapter module must merely implement the `Absinthe.Adapter` protocol,
  in many cases with `use Absinthe.Adapter` and only overriding the desired

  ## Writing Your Own

  All you may need to implement in your adapter is `to_internal_name/2` and

  Check out `Absinthe.Adapter.LanguageConventions` for a good example.

  Note that types that are defined external to your application (including
  the introspection types) may not be compatible if you're using a different

  @type t :: module

  defmacro __using__(_) do
    quote do
      @behaviour unquote(__MODULE__)

      def to_internal_name(external_name, _role) do

      def to_external_name(internal_name, _role) do

      defoverridable to_internal_name: 2,
                     to_external_name: 2

  @typedoc "The lexical role of a name within the document/schema."
  @type role_t :: :operation | :field | :argument | :result | :type | :directive

  @doc """
  Convert a name from an external name to an internal name.

  ## Examples

  Prefix all names with their role, just for fun!

  def to_internal_name(external_name, role) do
    role_name = role |> to_string
    role_name <> "_" <> external_name
  @callback to_internal_name(binary | nil, role_t) :: binary | nil

  @doc """
  Convert a name from an internal name to an external name.

  ## Examples

  Remove the role-prefix (the inverse of what we did in `to_internal_name/2` above):

  def to_external_name(internal_name, role) do
    |> String.replace(~r/^\#{role}_/, "")
  @callback to_external_name(binary | nil, role_t) :: binary | nil