# Absinthe.Phoenix

## Subscriptions

This readme is going to be the primary source of info on how to use Absinthe Subscriptions
while they're in beta.

Libraries you'll need:

{:absinthe, github: "absinthe-graphql/absinthe"},
{:absinthe_phoenix, github: "absinthe-graphql/absinthe_phoenix"},

In your application supervisor add this line AFTER your existing endpoint supervision

supervisor(Absinthe.Subscription, [MyApp.Web.Endpoint]),

Where `MyApp.Web.Endpoint` is the name of your application's phoenix endpoint.

In your `MyApp.Web.Endpoint` module add:
use Absinthe.Phoenix.Endpoint

In your socket add:

#### Phoenix 1.3
use Absinthe.Phoenix.Socket,
  schema: MyApp.Web.Schema

#### Phoenix 1.2

  use Absinthe.Phoenix.Socket
  def connect(params, socket) do
    current_user = current_user(params)
    socket = Absinthe.Phoenix.Socket.put_schema(socket, MyApp.Web.Schema)
    {:ok, socket}

Where `MyApp.Web.Schema` is the name of your Absinthe schema module.

That is all that's required for setup on the server.

### GraphiQL

At this time only the simpler GraphiQL interface supports subscriptions. To use
them, just add a `:socket` option to your graphiql config:

forward "/graphiql", Absinthe.Plug.GraphiQL,
  schema: JLR.Web.Schema,
  socket: JLR.Web.UserSocket,
  interface: :simple

### Setting Options

Options like the context can be configured in the `def connect` callback of your

defmodule GitHunt.Web.UserSocket do
  use Phoenix.Socket
  use Absinthe.Phoenix.Socket,
    schema: MyApp.Web.Schema

  transport :websocket, Phoenix.Transports.WebSocket

  def connect(params, socket) do
    current_user = current_user(params)
    socket = Absinthe.Phoenix.Socket.put_opts(context: %{
      current_user: current_user
    {:ok, socket}

  defp current_user(%{"user_id" => id}) do
    MyApp.Repo.get(User, id)

  def id(_socket), do: nil

### JavaScript Clients

| Name  | Framework      | Status |
| :---: | -------------- | ------ |
| [absinthe-phoenix-js](  | (None) | Official |
| [apollo-phoenix-websocket]( | Apollo | Community (Maintained by [@vic]( |
| ? | Relay (Classic) | Missing (Please contribute!) |
| ? | Relay (Modern) | Missing (Please contribute!) |

### Schema

Example schema that lets you use subscriptions to get notified when a comment
is submitted to a github repo.

for more details on setting up subscriptions in your schema.

mutation do
  field :submit_comment, :comment do
    arg :repo_full_name, non_null(:string)
    arg :comment_content, non_null(:string)

    resolve &Github.submit_comment/3

subscription do
  field :comment_added, :comment do
    arg :repo_full_name, non_null(:string)

    # The topic function is used to determine what topic a given subscription
    # cares about based on its arguments. You can think of it as a way to tell the
    # difference between
    # subscription {
    #   commentAdded(repoFullName: "absinthe-graphql/absinthe") { content }
    # }
    # and
    # subscription {
    #   commentAdded(repoFullName: "elixir-lang/elixir") { content }
    # }
    config fn args, _ ->
      {:ok, topic: args.repo_full_name}

    # this tells Absinthe to run any subscriptions with this field every time
    # the :submit_comment mutation happens.
    # It also has a topic function used to find what subscriptions care about
    # this particular comment
    trigger :submit_comment, topic: fn comment ->

    resolve fn %{comment_added: comment}, _, _ ->
      # this function is often not actually necessary, as the default resolver
      # will pull the root value off properly.
      # It's only here to show what happens.
      {:ok, comment}
