# AbsinthePlugCache.Plug

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[Plug]( support for [Absinthe](,
the GraphQL toolkit for Elixir.

Please see the website at [](

## Installation

Install from [](

def deps do
  [{:absinthe_plug, "~> 1.5"}]

Note: AbsinthePlugCache.Plug requires Elixir 1.10 or higher.

`AbsinthePlugCache.Plug` also requires a JSON codec. `Jason` and `Poison` work out of the box.

def deps do
    {:absinthe_plug, "~> 1.5"},
    {:jason, "~> 1.0"}

## Upgrading

See [CHANGELOG](./ for upgrade steps between versions.

You may want to look for the specific upgrade guide in the [Absinthe documentation](

## Documentation

See "Usage," below, for basic usage information and links to specific resources.

- [AbsinthePlugCache.Plug hexdocs](
- For the tutorial, guides, and general information about Absinthe-related
  projects, see [](

## Related Projects

See the [GitHub organization](

## Usage

In your `MyAppWeb.Router` module add:

plug Plug.Parsers,
  parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json, AbsinthePlugCache.Plug.Parser],
  pass: ["*/*"],
  json_decoder: Jason

plug AbsinthePlugCache.Plug,
  schema: MyAppWeb.Schema

If you want `AbsinthePlugCache.Plug` to serve only a particular route, configure your
`MyAppWeb.Router` like:

plug Plug.Parsers,
  parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json, AbsinthePlugCache.Plug.Parser],
  pass: ["*/*"],
  json_decoder: Jason

forward "/api",
  to: AbsinthePlugCache.Plug,
  init_opts: [schema: MyAppWeb.Schema]

For more information, see the API documentation for `AbsinthePlugCache.Plug`.

### Phoenix.Router

If you are using [Phoenix.Router](, `forward` expects different arguments:

#### Plug.Router

forward "/graphiql",
  to: AbsinthePlugCache.Plug.GraphiQL,
  init_opts: [
    schema: MyAppWeb.Schema,
    interface: :simple

#### Phoenix.Router

forward "/graphiql",
  schema: MyAppWeb.Schema,
  interface: :simple

For more information see [Phoenix.Router.forward/4](

## GraphiQL

To add support for a GraphiQL interface, add a configuration for

forward "/graphiql",
  to: AbsinthePlugCache.Plug.GraphiQL,
  init_opts: [schema: MyAppWeb.Schema]

See the API documentation for `AbsinthePlugCache.Plug.GraphiQL` for more information.

## Community

The project is under constant improvement by a growing list of
contributors, and your feedback is important. Please join us in Slack
(`#absinthe-graphql` under the Elixir Slack account) or the Elixir Forum
(tagged `absinthe`).

Please remember that all interactions in our official spaces follow
our [Code of Conduct](./

## Contributing

Please follow [contribution guide](./

## License

See [](./