# Absinthe StreamData
## [](https://hex.pm/packages/absinthe_streamdata) [](https://hexdocs.pm/absinthe_streamdata) [](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
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Build StreamData generator for valid Absinthe documents from an Absinthe schema.
It can take an entire schema, or single root queries/mutations and generate valid
documents from them. Supports variables and arguments.
By default supports all graphql scalar types but can be extended with
custom typemappers.
This gives you the chance to run random GraphQL documents against your schema and see whether
any of them returns errors you don't expect.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `absinthe_streamdata` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:absinthe_streamdata, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Example
defmodule Absinthe.StreamDataTest do
use MyApp.DataCase, async: false
use ExUnitProperties
defmodule TypeMapper do
use Absinthe.StreamData.TypeMapper
def from_type(%{name: "CustomScalar"}, schema, name, type_mapper) do
def from_type(type, schema, name, type_mapper) do
Absinthe.StreamData.DefaultTypeMapper.from_type(type, schema, name, type_mapper)
property "runs all docs" do
schema = Your.Schema
check all operation <- Absinthe.StreamData.operation_of(schema),
field <- Absinthe.StreamData.field_of(schema, operation),
doc <-
Absinthe.StreamData.document_of(schema, operation, field),
vars <- Absinthe.StreamData.variables_of(schema, doc, {TypeMapper, []}),
runs <- Absinthe.StreamData.execution_of(schema, doc, variables: vars) do
{:ok, blueprint} = runs
assert blueprint.errors == []
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