# Access Token

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A plug for extracting the access token from the request.

The token may be sent by the request either via the params with key `access_token` or a header with name `Authorization` and content `Bearer <access token>`.

## Installation

Add Access Token to your project's dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:access_token, "~> 0.2.0"}]

And fetch your project's dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

## Usage

To use it, just plug it into the desired module:

plug AccessToken

If present, the access token will be accessible through the `assigns` map of the connection.


### Options

  * `:param` - The name of the HTTP *request* parameter to check for
    the access token. Default value is `access_token`.

      plug AccessToken, param: "token"

  * `:http_header` - The name of the HTTP *request* header to check for
    the access token. Default value is `authorization`.

      plug AccessToken, http_header: "custom-authorization"

  * `:http_header_prefix` - The prefix of the HTTP *request* authorization header.
    Default value is `Bearer`.

      plug AccessToken, http_header_prefix: "Token"

  * `:assign_to` - The name of the key to assign the access token.
    Defaults to `:access_token`

        plug AccessToken, assign_to: :token

  * `:error_status` - The status code to be returned in case the access token is not
    present. The status can be `nil`, an integer or an atom. The list of allowed atoms
    is available in `Plug.Conn.Status`. Defaults to `:unauthorized`

      plug AccessToken, error_status: :forbidden

  * `:error_handler` - The function to be called in case the access token is not
    present. The `:error_handler` is set using a `{module, function, args}` tuple.
    The function will receive the `conn` followed by the list of `args` provided.

      plug AccessToken,
        error_handler: {Phoenix.Controller, :render, [MyAppWeb.ErrorView, "401.json"]}

## Documentation

Documentation is available at

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant]( code of conduct.

### Running tests

Clone the repo and fetch its dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd access_token
$ mix deps.get
$ mix test

### Building docs

$ MIX_ENV=docs mix docs

## License

**Access Token** is released under the [MIT License](

## Author

Fernando Tapia Rico, [@fertapric](