# Ace

**HTTP web server and client, supports http1 and http2**

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- [Install from Hex](
- [Documentation available on hexdoc](

## Features

- [x] Consistent server and client interfaces
- [x] Stream isolation; one process per stream
- [x] Bidirectional streaming; send and receive streamed data
- [x] Server push; to reduce latency
- [x] Automatic flow control; at stream and connection level
- [x] Secure data transport; TLS(SSL) support via ALPN
- [x] Verified against [h2spec]( (*143/146*)
- [x] Simple request/response interactions; [Raxx]( interface
- [x] HTTP upgrade mechanisms
- [ ] HTTP/1.1 pipelining

*View progress on the [roadmap](*

## Testing

Run [h2spec]( against the example `hello_http2` application.

1. Start the example app.
  cd examples/hello_http2
  iex -S mix
2. Run h2spec from docker
  sudo docker run --net="host" summerwind/h2spec --port 8443 -t -k -S