# Ace
**Easy TCP and TLS(ssl) servers.**

- [Install from hex](
- [Documentation on hexdoc](

*For a HTTP webserver see [Ace.HTTP](*

## Application

An `Ace.Application` module defines a servers behaviour.

defmodule MyApp do
  # MyApp is a server application.
  use Ace.Application

  # Handle client opening a new connection.
  def handle_connect(_connection, state = {:greeting, greeting}) do
    {:send, greeting, state}

  # React to a message that was sent from the client.
  def handle_packet(inbound, state) do
    {:send, "ECHO: #{String.strip(inbound)}\n", state}

  # React to a message recieved from the application.
  def handle_info({:notify, notification}, state) do
    {:send, "#{notification}\n", state}

  # Response to the client closing the connection.
  def handle_disconnect(_reason, _state) do
    IO.puts("Socket connection closed")

  # Define start_link to `MyApp` can be added to supervision tree.
  def start_link(greeting, options \\ []) do
    config = {:greeting, greeting}
    app = {__MODULE__, config}
    Ace.TCP.start_link(app, options)

#### Quick start

From the console, start mix.

iex -S mix

In the `iex` console, start a TCP endpoint.
{:ok, pid} = MyApp.start_link("WELCOME", port: 8080)

#### Connect
Use telnet to communicate with the server.

telnet localhost 8080

Wihin the telnet terminal.

# once connected
ECHO: hi

In the iex session.

send(server, {:notify, "BOO!"})

back in telnet terminal.


#### Embedded endpoints

It is not a good idea to start unsupervised processes.
Ace endpoints should be added to you application supervision tree.

@tcp_options [
  port: 8080

@tls_options [
  port: 8443,
  certificate: "path/to/",
  certificate_key: "path/to/"

children = [
  worker(Ace.TCP, [{MyApp, {:greeting, "WELCOME"}}, @tcp_options])
  worker(Ace.TLS, [{MyApp, {:greeting, "WELCOME"}}, @tls_options])
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

See "01 Quote of the Day" for an example setup.

### Ace 0.1 (TCP echo)

The simplest TCP echo server that works.
Checkout the source of [version 0.1.0](
The [change log]( documents all enhancements to this prototype server.

## Contributing

Before opening a pull request, please open an issue first.

Once we've decided how to move forward with a pull request:

    $ git clone
    $ cd Ace
    $ mix deps.get
    $ mix test
    $ mix dialyzer.plt
    $ mix dialyzer

Once you've made your additions, `mix test` passes and `mix dialyzer` reports no warnings, go ahead and open a PR!