# acorn128 NIF

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Implementation of ACORN, second choice for use case 1 (Lightweight applications; resource constrained environments) from the [CAESAR competition final portfolio](

See [“ACORN: A Lightweight Authenticated Cipher (v3)”]( by [Hongjun Wu]( for more information.

## Installation

Add `acorn128` to your project's dependencies in `mix.exs`

defp deps do
    {:acorn128, "~> 0.0.1"}

Add `acorn128` to your project's dependencies in your `Makefile` for [``]( or the following to your `rebar.config`

{deps, [
  {acorn128, ".*", {git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}}

## Usage

### Simple API


%% Encryption
Key = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(16), % Key = <<33,126,75,53,220,99,55,188,229,97,154,128,147,91,14,249>>.
IV = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(16),  % IV  = <<60,52,165,219,131,60,192,154,183,168,77,231,240,130,245,118>>.
PlainText = <<"hello, world">>,
AAD = <<"test">>,
{CipherText, CipherTag} = acorn128:encrypt(Key, IV, PlainText, AAD).
% CipherText = <<3,105,56,55,26,140,36,60,63,214,228,107>>.
% CipherTag  = <<28,8,46,253,158,35,196,249,12,174,189,248,160,215,189,10>>.

%% Decryption
PlainText = acorn128:decrypt(Key, IV, CipherText, AAD, CipherTag).
% PlainText = <<"hello, world">>.


## Encryption
key = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(16) # key = <<33,126,75,53,220,99,55,188,229,97,154,128,147,91,14,249>>
iv = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(16)  # iv  = <<60,52,165,219,131,60,192,154,183,168,77,231,240,130,245,118>>
plaintext = "hello, world"
aad = "test"
{ciphertext, ciphertag} = :acorn128.encrypt(key, iv, plaintext, aad)
# ciphertext = <<3,105,56,55,26,140,36,60,63,214,228,107>>
# ciphertag  = <<28,8,46,253,158,35,196,249,12,174,189,248,160,215,189,10>>

## Decryption
^plaintext = :acorn128.decrypt(key, iv, ciphertext, aad, ciphertag)
# plaintext = "hello, world"

### New Crypto API


%% Encryption
Key = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(16), % Key = <<33,126,75,53,220,99,55,188,229,97,154,128,147,91,14,249>>.
IV = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(16),  % IV  = <<60,52,165,219,131,60,192,154,183,168,77,231,240,130,245,118>>.
PlainText = <<"hello, world">>,
AAD = <<"test">>,
{CipherText, CipherTag} = acorn128:crypto_one_time_aead(acorn128v3, Key, IV, PlainText, AAD, true).
% CipherText = <<3,105,56,55,26,140,36,60,63,214,228,107>>.
% CipherTag  = <<28,8,46,253,158,35,196,249,12,174,189,248,160,215,189,10>>.

%% Decryption
PlainText = acorn128:crypto_one_time_aead(acorn128v3, Key, IV, CipherText, AAD, CipherTag, false).
% PlainText = <<"hello, world">>.


## Encryption
key = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(16) # key = <<33,126,75,53,220,99,55,188,229,97,154,128,147,91,14,249>>
iv = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(16)  # iv  = <<60,52,165,219,131,60,192,154,183,168,77,231,240,130,245,118>>
plaintext = "hello, world"
aad = "test"
{ciphertext, ciphertag} = :acorn128.crypto_one_time_aead(:acorn128v3, key, iv, plaintext, aad, true)
# ciphertext = <<3,105,56,55,26,140,36,60,63,214,228,107>>
# ciphertag  = <<28,8,46,253,158,35,196,249,12,174,189,248,160,215,189,10>>

## Decryption
^plaintext = :acorn128.crypto_one_time_aead(:acorn128v3, key, iv, ciphertext, aad, ciphertag, false)
# plaintext = "hello, world"



%% Encryption
K = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(16),    % K    = <<33,126,75,53,220,99,55,188,229,97,154,128,147,91,14,249>>.
NPub = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(16), % NPub = <<60,52,165,219,131,60,192,154,183,168,77,231,240,130,245,118>>.
M = <<"hello, world">>,
AD = <<"test">>,
C = acorn128:crypto_aead_encrypt(M, AD, NPub, K).
% C = <<3,105,56,55,26,140,36,60,63,214,228,107,28,8,46,253,158,35,196,249,12,174,189,248,160,215,189,10>>.

%% Decryption
M = acorn128:crypto_aead_decrypt(C, AD, NPub, K).
% M = <<"hello, world">>.


## Encryption
k = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(16)    # k    = <<33,126,75,53,220,99,55,188,229,97,154,128,147,91,14,249>>
npub = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(16) # npub = <<60,52,165,219,131,60,192,154,183,168,77,231,240,130,245,118>>
m = "hello, world"
ad = "test"
c = :acorn128.crypto_aead_encrypt(m, ad, npub, k)
# c = <<3,105,56,55,26,140,36,60,63,214,228,107,28,8,46,253,158,35,196,249,12,174,189,248,160,215,189,10>>

## Decryption
^m = :acorn128.crypto_aead_decrypt(c, ad, npub, k)
# m = "hello, world"