# acrostic
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A pure Gleam implementation of Google Protobuf.
## Note:
1. only support proto3
2. only support enum, message, repeated
3. each message must have an annotation before it start
`// @gleam record` is mean a embedded struct (record)
`// @gleam msgid = 1` is mean a api, msgid is a big-end 2 bytes number (max is 65535)
4. when you generated the `game.gleam`, the `game.encode(msg)` or `game.decode(binary)` all Assuming that the msgid is packaged in the head of binary (This will help with communication between the client and server)
5. see `game.proto`
## Useage:
1. use `acrostic.gen` gen gleam file (eg: `src/game.gleam`) from proto files
gleam add acrostic
import acrostic
pub fn main() {
acrostic.gen(["game.proto"], to: "src/game.gleam", flags: acrostic.Flags(False, False))
2. test encode/decode
import game
let binary = game.encode(
hello: "hi",
world: 1.0,
item: game.Item(id:1, num:1),
pet: game.Cat,
nums: []
let assert Ok(test_msg) = game.decode(binary)
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/acrostic>.
## Development
gleam test # Run the tests