# Acuity
Elixir client for Acuity Scheduling API v1.1
API reference can be found [here](https://developers.acuityscheduling.com/reference)
# Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `acuity` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:acuity, "~> 0.1.0"}
# Examples
## Get all appointment type example
iex> Acuity.get_appointment_types()
"active" => true,
"addonIDs" => [],
"calendarIDs" => [562031],
"category" => "Ask Me Anything",
"classSize" => nil,
"color" => "#6FCF97",
"description" => "Prices listed above do not apply for this session.",
"duration" => 30,
"formIDs" => [1918022, 3239160],
"id" => 95712350,
"image" => "",
"name" => "Ask Me Anything Virtual Booths",
"paddingAfter" => 0,
"paddingBefore" => 0,
"price" => "0.00",
"private" => true,
"schedulingUrl" => "https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=:owner_id&appointmentType=:appointmentType",
"type" => "service"
## Get all calendars
iex> Acuity.get_calendars()
"description" => "Expertise: Individual, Career, Relationship and Family Concerns\nLanguage: English, Malay, Tamil\n\nCountry: Malaysia\nLocation (F2F Services): Klang",
"email" => "test@example.com, therapy@example.com",
"id" => 1481526,
"image" => "//cdn-s.acuityscheduling.com/test.jpg?8142016179",
"location" => "",
"name" => "John Doe",
"replyTo" => "coach@example.com",
"thumbnail" => "//cdn-s.acuityscheduling.com/test-thubm.jpg?8142016179",
"timezone" => "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"
## Get appointments example
iex> Acuity.get_appointments(%{"max" => 25})
"timezone" => "Asia/Manila",
"id" => 183428383,
"endTime" => "3:00pm",
"forms" => [
"id" => 2322025,
"name" => "",
"values" => [
"fieldID" => 11281125,
"id" => 3367788034,
"name" => "Are you still using our App? ",
"value" => "no"
"fieldID" => 11281126,
"id" => 3367788035,
"name" => "If yes, what is your email address used to register for the App?",
"value" => ""
"calendarTimezone" => "Asia/Manila",
"category" => "Online Service",
"subCalendarID" => 2878624,
"type" => "Returning Clients (PHP1200)",
"duration" => "60",
"datetime" => "2022-06-28T14:00:00+0800",
"formsText" => "Name: John Doe\nPhone: 1234432432\nEmail: test@example.com\n\nLocation\n============\nURL: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=:owner_id&action=meet&apptID=:apptid&meetID=:meet_id\n\n\n\n============\nAre you still using our ThoughtFullChat App? : no\n\nIf yes, what is your email address used to register for ThoughtFullChat App?: \n\nIf yes, what is the name of your ThoughtFull Professional?: Phoebe Bernardo\n\n\n\nTHOUGHTFULLCHAT TELEPSYCHOLOGY INFORMED CONSENT FORM\n============\nI hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand and consent to the terms of telepsychology services set forth above.: yes\n\n\n\nCancellation/ Rescheduling Policy\n============\nI have read and agreed to the cancellation policy.: yes\n\n",
"certificate" => nil,
"priceSold" => "0.00",
"location" => "URL: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=21359557&action=meet&apptID=838318342&meetID=9b6d33e6ee0706c83b04d9c68ac48475 \n",
"amountPaid" => "0.00",
"calendarID" => 6224198,
"phone" => "+16265871714",
"lastName" => "Doe",
"firstName" => "John",
"price" => "0.00",
"classID" => nil,
"canClientReschedule" => true,
"notes" => "",
"appointmentTypeID" => 26937488,
"dateCreated" => "June 6, 2022",
"canClientCancel" => true,
"paid" => "no",
"email" => "test@gmail.com",
"datetimeCreated" => "2022-06-05T21:16:50-0500",
"time" => "2:00pm",
"date" => "June 28, 2022",
"canceled" => false,
"calendar" => "Jane Doe",
"confirmationPage" => "https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=:ownder_id&action=appt&id%5B%5D=:appt_id",
"addonIDs" => [],
"labels" => nil