
## What is it?
Addict allows you to manage users on your Phoenix app easily.

## What does it?
For now, it allows to register, login and logout your users.

## On what does it depend?
Addict depends on:
- [Phoenix Framework](
- [Ecto](
- [Mailgun]( (Don't have an account? Register for free and get 10000 e-mails per month included)

## How can I get it started?

Addict is dependent on an ecto [User Model]( and a [Database connection interface](

The user model must have at least the following schema:
  id serial primary key,
  email varchar(200),
  username varchar(200),
  salt varchar(29),
  hash varchar(31),
  created_at timestamp,
  updated_at timestamp,
  CONSTRAINT u_constraint UNIQUE (email)

There are some application configurations you must add to your `configs.ex`:

config :addict, not_logged_in_url: "/error",  # the URL where users will be redirected to
                db: MyApp.MyRepo,
                user: MyApp.MyUser,
                register_from_email: "Registration <>", # email registered users will receive from address
                register_subject: "Welcome to yourawesomeapp!", # email registered users will receive subject
                email_templates: MyApp.MyEmailTemplates, # email templates for sending e-mails, more on this further down
                mailgun_domain: "",
                mailgun_key: "apikey-secr3tzapik3y"

The `email_templates` configuration should point to a module with the following structure:
defmodule MyApp.MyEmailTemplates do
  def register_template(options) do
      <h1>This is the HTML the user will receive upon registering</h1>
      You can access the user attributes: #{}

## How can I use it?
Just add the following to your `router.ex`:
    post "/register", Addict.Controller, :register
    post "/logout", Addict.Controller, :logout
    post "/login", Addict.Controller, :login

And use `Addict.Plugs.Authenticated` plug to validate requests on your controllers:
defmodule MyAwesomeApp.PageController do
  use Phoenix.Controller

  plug Addict.Plugs.Authenticated when action in [:foobar]
  plug :action

  def foobar(conn, _params) do
    render conn, "index.html"


If the user is not logged in and requests for the above action, it will be redirected to `not_logged_in_url`.

- [ ] Validate user model fields
- [ ] Implement "Forgot password" flow
- [ ] Invite users ability
- [ ] ... whatever else it will definitely come up

## Contributing

Feel free to send your PR with improvements or corrections!

Special thanks to the folks at #elixir-lang on freenet for being so helpful every damn time!