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# Addict
Addict allows you to manage users registration and authentication on your [Phoenix Framework](http://www.phoenixframework.org) app easily.
## What does it do?
For now, it enables your users to register, login, logout and recover/reset their passwords.
## Requirements
Addict is dependent on an ecto [User Model](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ecto/blob/master/examples/simple/lib/simple.ex#L18) and a [Database connection interface](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ecto/blob/master/examples/simple/lib/simple.ex#L12).
The user model must have at least the following schema:
field :email, :string
field :encrypted_password, :string
## Plug and go
1 - Add Addict to your dependencies:
{:addict, "~> 0.2"}
2 - Generate Addict [configs](https://github.com/trenpixster/addict/blob/master/configs.md) via:
mix addict.generate.configs
3 - Generate ([opinionated](#gen_boilerplate)) boilerplate:
mix addict.generate.boilerplate
4 - Add Addict routes to your `router.ex`:
defmodule YourApp.Router do
use Addict.RoutesHelper
scope "/" do
addict :routes
5 - Visit any of these paths on your app
## On what does it depend?
Addict depends on:
- [Phoenix Framework](http://www.phoenixframework.org)
- [Ecto](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ecto)
Optionally you can make Addict send e-mails for you too. At the moment only [Mailgun](https://mailgun.com) is supported. Feel free to contribute with [another service](#adding-custom-mailer)!
## Addict Configs
See all available configurations [here](https://github.com/trenpixster/addict/blob/master/configs.md).
## How can I use it?
### Routes
Add the following to your `router.ex`:
defmodule ExampleApp.Router do
use Phoenix.Router
use Addict.RoutesHelper
scope "/" do
addict :routes
This will generate the following routes:
register_path POST /register Addict.Controller.register/2
login_path POST /login Addict.Controller.login/2
logout_path POST /logout Addict.Controller.logout/2
recover_password_path POST /recover_password Addict.Controller.recover_password/2
reset_password_path POST /reset_password Addict.Controller.reset_password/2
You can also override the `path` or `controller`/`action` for a given route:
addict :routes,
logout: [path: "/sign-out", controller: ExampleApp.UserController, action: :sign_out],
recover_password: "/password/recover",
reset_password: "/password/reset"
These overrides will generate the following routes:
register_path POST /register Addict.Controller.register/2
login_path POST /login Addict.Controller.login/2
logout_path POST /sign-out ExampleApp.UserController.sign_out/2
recover_password_path POST /password/recover Addict.Controller.recover_password/2
reset_password_path POST /password/reset Addict.Controller.reset_password/2
### Interacting with Addict
After you've added the router and generated the configs, please take look at the optional boilerplate and the Example App. Here are the interesting bits:
- [Example AJAX interactions](https://github.com/trenpixster/addict/blob/master/boilerplate/addict.js)
- [AJAX Error Handling](https://github.com/trenpixster/addict/blob/master/boilerplate/addict.js#L67)
- [Restricted login path](https://github.com/trenpixster/addict/blob/master/example_app/web/controllers/page_controller.ex#L3)
- [Login Form](https://github.com/trenpixster/addict/blob/master/boilerplate/login.html.eex)
## Checking for authentication
Use `Addict.Plugs.Authenticated` plug to validate requests on your controllers:
defmodule MyAwesomeApp.PageController do
use Phoenix.Controller
plug Addict.Plugs.Authenticated when action in [:foobar]
plug :action
def foobar(conn, _params) do
render conn, "index.html"
If the user is not logged in and requests for the above action, he will be redirected to `not_logged_in_url`.
## Adding Custom Mailer
For adding a custom Mailer just follow the conventions:
- Module must be `Addict.Mailers.TheEmailProvider`
- Add the Mailer file in `/lib/addict/mailers`
- Make sure the mailer implements the behaviour defined [here](https://github.com/trenpixster/addict/blob/master/lib/addict/mailers/generic.ex)
Once that is done, just set `mail_service` configuration to `:the_email_provider`.
Check the [issues](https://github.com/trenpixster/addict/issues) on this repository to check or track the ongoing improvements and new features.
## Contributing
Feel free to send your PR with improvements or corrections!
Special thanks to the folks at #elixir-lang on freenet for being so helpful every damn time!