# Advent of Code Helper [![Build Status](]( [![codecov](]( [![](]( [![](](

This Elixir package allows you to quickly grab inputs for Advent of ode puzzles, and not have to worry about manually pasting them in! After you've got a puzzle input for the first time, the result is stored on disk so every subsequent request bypasses the need to download it from the server again.

## Usage

There are only two functions you need to use this module:

AdventOfCodeHelper.get_input(year,day) # Specify year and day for puzzle

AdventOfCodeHelper.get_input(day) # Automatically gets puzzle from most recent year


Both of these functions will simply return a tuple `{:ok, value}` if they succeed, where `value` is the puzzle input in the form of a `BitString`, or `{:fail, message}` if there was something wrong.

There are two configuration directives that are also needed to make this package work correctly. Simply add the following to your `config/config.exs`

config :advent_of_code_helper,
session: "<session string>",
cache_dir: ".cache/" # this is a sensible default, but feel free to put it wherever you have write access

The session string will need to be taken from [](, it will be under cookies as `session`. You can extract the value using the inspector in your browser of choice.

## Installation

This package can be installed by adding `advent_of_code_helper` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:advent_of_code_helper, "~> 0.2.0"}