defmodule AOC.IEx do
@moduledoc """
IEx helpers for advent of code.
This module contains various helpers that make it easy to call procedures in your solution
modules. It is intended to be used while testing solutions in iex, the elixir shell.
In order to avoid prefixing all calls with `AOC.IEx`, we recommend adding `import AOC.IEx` to
your [`.iex.exs` file](
## Requirements and `AOC.aoc/3`
In order to find a module for a given day and year, this module expects the module to have the
name `Y<year>.D<day>`. This is always the case if the `AOC.aoc/3` macro was used to build the
solution module (and thus the case if the template generated by `mix aoc.gen` or `mix aoc` is
Furthermore, it is expected that the solutions for part 1 and part 2 are defined in non-private
functions named `p1` and `p2`. These functions must accept one argument: the puzzle input,
represented as a string.
## Functions in this module
This module provides the `p1e/1`, `p1i/1`, `p2e/1` and `p2i/1` functions, which call your part
one or part two solution with the example (`p1e/1`, `p2e/1`) or puzzle input (`p1i/1`, `p2i/1`)
from within iex. You can also use `p1/2` and `p2/2` to call the `p1` and `p2` functions of your
solution module directly.
`mod/1` can be used to obtain the current solution module, which is useful if you wish to test
other functions in your solution module. Moreover, `example_path/1`, `input_path/1`,
`example_string/1`, and `input_string/1`, can be used to experiment with the puzzle input and
example input retrieved by `mix aoc.get` or `mix aoc` inside iex.
## Specifying the puzzle date
The functions in this module all select a puzzle (or more specifically, its solution module,
input or example) based on the current time. For instance, the `p1/2` function calls the `p1`
function of the solution module that corresponds to the current day. The current day (and year)
is determined by `NaiveDateTime.local_now/0`, or by `` if a time zone was set, as
described in the [README](readme.html#time-zones). If it is past midnight, or if you wish to
solve an older challenge, there are a few options at your disposal:
- Each function in this module accepts an optional keyword list through which the year and day
can be specified. For instance, if you wish to run part 1 of of 8 december 1991, you could
write the following code: `p1(<input>, year: 1991, day: 8)`. If you omit the day or year, the
current day or year is used by default. `p1(<input>, day: 8)` would, for instance, call part 1
of day 8 of the current year.
- The year and day can be configured through the `:advent_of_code_utils` application
environment. For instance, you can set the year to `1991` and the day to `8` by placing the
following in your `config/config.exs`:
import Config
config :advent_of_code_utils,
day: 8,
year: 1991
Both of these options can be combined. You can, for instance, set the year in
`config/config.exs` and select the day when calling `p1/2` or any other function in this module.
To summarise, the day or year is determined according to the following rules:
1. If year or day is passed as part of the keyword list argument, it is always used.
2. If `:year` or `:day` is present in the `:advent_of_code_utils` application environment, it is
3. The `year` or `day` returned by `NaiveDateTime.local_now/0` or `` is used.
## Automatic recompilation
It is often necessary to recompile the current `mix` project before running code. To avoid
repeatedly calling `IEx.Helpers.recompile/1`, the various `p*` functions in this module and
`mod/1` will automatically recompile the current mix project (with `IEx.Helpers.recompile/1`)
when `:auto_compile?` is set to `true` in the `:advent_of_code_utils` application environment:
import Config
config :advent_of_code_utils, auto_compile?: true
## Elapsed time
Some developers are interested in the runtime of their solutions. When the `time_calls?` options
is set in the `:advent_of_code_utils` application environment, the runtime of a solution will be
shown when calling `p1/2`, `p2/2`, `p1i/1`, `p1e/1`, `p2i/1` and `p2e/1`. By default, this
feature is disabled.
import Config
config :advent_of_code_utils, time_calls?: true
This feature can also be enabled or disabled by passing `time: true` or `time: false` as an
option to `p1/2`, `p2/2`, `p1i/1`, `p1e/1`, `p2i/1` or `p2e/1`.
alias AOC.Helpers
defp mix_started? do
Application.started_applications() |> Enum.find(false, fn {name, _, _} -> name == :mix end)
defp maybe_compile() do
compile? = Helpers.app_env_val(:auto_compile?, false)
if(compile? and mix_started?(), do: IEx.Helpers.recompile())
defp fetch_year_day(opts), do: {opts[:year] || Helpers.year(), opts[:day] ||}
defp call_p_fun(p, input, opts) do
opts |> mod() |> Code.ensure_loaded!() |> maybe_timed_call(p, [input], opts)
defp maybe_timed_call(mod, fun, input, opts) do
if Keyword.get(opts, :time, Helpers.app_env_val(:time_calls?, false)) do
{time, res} =, fun, input)
IO.puts("⏱️ #{time / 1000} ms")
apply(mod, fun, input)
@doc """
Get the module name for the currently configured puzzle.
If not present in the options list, `day` and `year` are fetched from the application
environment or based on the local time. Refer to the module documentation for additional
This function may cause recompilation if `auto_compile?` is enabled.
## Examples
iex> mod(year: 1991, day: 8)
iex> Application.put_env(:advent_of_code_utils, :year, 1991)
iex> Application.put_env(:advent_of_code_utils, :day, 8)
iex> mod()
iex> mod(day: 9)
iex> mod(year: 2000)
iex> Application.put_env(:advent_of_code_utils, :year, 2000)
iex> Application.put_env(:advent_of_code_utils, :day, 3)
iex> mod()
@spec mod(year: pos_integer(), day: pos_integer()) :: module()
def mod(opts \\ []) do
{y, d} = fetch_year_day(opts)
Helpers.module_name(y, d)
@doc """
Call part 1 of the current puzzle with the given input.
Calls, `Y<year>.D<day>.p1/1` with `input`.
If not present in the options list, `day` and `year` are fetched from the application
environment or based on the local time. Refer to the module documentation for additional
The `time:` option can be used to control if the execution of `p1` will be timed. If it is not
present, the value of `:time_calls?` in the application environment (default: `false`) will be
This function may cause recompilation if `auto_compile?` is enabled.
@spec p1(String.t(), year: pos_integer(), day: pos_integer(), time: boolean()) :: any()
def p1(input, opts \\ []), do: call_p_fun(:p1, input, opts)
@doc """
Call part 2 of the current puzzle with the given input.
Calls, `Y<year>.D<day>.p2/1` with `input`.
If not present in the options list, `day` and `year` are fetched from the application
environment or based on the local time. Refer to the module documentation for additional
The `time:` option can be used to control if the execution of `p2` will be timed. If it is not
present, the value of `:time_calls?` in the application environment (default: `false`) will be
This function may cause recompilation if `auto_compile?` is enabled.
@spec p2(String.t(), year: pos_integer(), day: pos_integer(), time: boolean()) :: any()
def p2(input, opts \\ []), do: call_p_fun(:p2, input, opts)
@doc """
Call part 1 of the current puzzle with its example input.
Uses `p1/2` and `example_string/1` to call `Y<year>.D<day>.p1/1` with the example input of
`year` and `day`.
If not present in the options list, `day` and `year` are fetched from the application
environment or based on the local time. Refer to the module documentation for additional
The `time:` option can be used to control if the execution of `p1` will be timed. If it is not
present, the value of `:time_calls?` in the application environment (default: `false`) will be
This function may cause recompilation if `auto_compile?` is enabled.
@spec p1e(year: pos_integer(), day: pos_integer(), time: boolean()) :: any()
def p1e(opts \\ []), do: p1(example_string(opts), opts)
@doc """
Call part 1 of the current puzzle with its input.
Uses `p1/2` and `input_string/1` to call `Y<year>.D<day>.p1/1` with the input of `year` and
If not present in the options list, `day` and `year` are fetched from the application
environment or based on the local time. Refer to the module documentation for additional
The `time:` option can be used to control if the execution of `p1` will be timed. If it is not
present, the value of `:time_calls?` in the application environment (default: `false`) will be
This function may cause recompilation if `auto_compile?` is enabled.
@spec p1i(year: pos_integer(), day: pos_integer(), time: boolean()) :: any()
def p1i(opts \\ []), do: p1(input_string(opts), opts)
@doc """
Call part 2 of the current puzzle with its example input.
Uses `p2/2` and `example_string/1` to call `Y<year>.D<day>.p2/1` with the example input of
`year` and `day`.
If not present in the options list, `day` and `year` are fetched from the application
environment or based on the local time. Refer to the module documentation for additional
The `time:` option can be used to control if the execution of `p2` will be timed. If it is not
present, the value of `:time_calls?` in the application environment (default: `false`) will be
This function may cause recompilation if `auto_compile?` is enabled.
@spec p2e(year: pos_integer(), day: pos_integer(), time: boolean()) :: any()
def p2e(opts \\ []), do: p2(example_string(opts), opts)
@doc """
Call part 2 of the current puzzle with its input.
Uses `p2/2` and `input_string/1` to call `Y<year>.D<day>.p2/1` with the input of `year` and
If not present in the options list, `day` and `year` are fetched from the application
environment or based on the local time. Refer to the module documentation for additional
The `time:` option can be used to control if the execution of `p2` will be timed. If it is not
present, the value of `:time_calls?` in the application environment (default: `false`) will be
This function may cause recompilation if `auto_compile?` is enabled.
@spec p2i(year: pos_integer(), day: pos_integer(), time: boolean()) :: any()
def p2i(opts \\ []), do: p2(input_string(opts), opts)
@doc """
Obtain the path of the input for the current puzzle.
If not present in the options list, `day` and `year` are fetched from the application
environment or based on the local time. Refer to the module documentation for additional
@spec input_path(year: pos_integer(), day: pos_integer()) :: Path.t()
def input_path(opts \\ []) do
{y, d} = fetch_year_day(opts)
Helpers.input_path(y, d)
@doc """
Obtain the path of the example input of the current puzzle.
If not present in the options list, `day` and `year` are fetched from the application
environment or based on the local time. Refer to the module documentation for additional
@spec example_path(year: pos_integer(), day: pos_integer()) :: Path.t()
def example_path(opts \\ []) do
{y, d} = fetch_year_day(opts)
Helpers.example_path(y, d)
@doc """
Obtain the puzzle input of the current puzzle as a string.
Trailing newlines are stripped from the puzzle input string.
If not present in the options list, `day` and `year` are fetched from the application
environment or based on the local time. Refer to the module documentation for additional
@spec input_string(year: pos_integer(), day: pos_integer()) :: String.t()
def input_string(opts \\ []) do
{y, d} = fetch_year_day(opts)
Helpers.input_string(y, d)
@doc """
Obtain the example input of the current puzzle as a string.
Trailing newlines are stripped from the example input string.
If not present in the options list, `day` and `year` are fetched from the application
environment or based on the local time. Refer to the module documentation for additional
@spec example_string(year: pos_integer(), day: pos_integer()) :: String.t()
def example_string(opts \\ []) do
{y, d} = fetch_year_day(opts)
Helpers.example_string(y, d)