[Aeacus - The holder of keys](

A simple, secure, and highly configurable Elixir identity [username | email | id | etc.]/password authentication module to use with Ecto.

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#### Description ####
Aeacus only performs authentication, making it well suited for integration with session storage, or a token system; like [Guardian]( Alternatively, this could be used directly over a secure (HTTPS) connection with [HTTP Basic Auth](; But, it is highly discouraged as there is a greater security risk, due to repeatedly sending your authentication information to the server, only relying on TLS for security.

#### Requirements ####
Aeacus requires that you have an Ecto model that has UNIQUE(identity_field) and password_field. These fields can be configured to easily match your schema, whether it be `username`, `email`, or `pass`, `password`, `hash`, `hashed_password`, etc. Of course, the passwords must be stored using the same crypto system as Aeacus; The password should be salted and hashed, plaintext is heavily discouraged. See the tests for examples.

#### Config ####
You must set the `:repo` and `:model` for Aeacus. The other options have sane defaults.

config :aeacus, Aeacus,
  repo: MyApp.Repo,
  model: MyApp.User,
  # Optional, The following are the default options
  crypto: Comeonin.Pbkdf2,
  identity_field: :email,
  password_field: :hashed_password,
  error_message: "Invalid identity or password."

#### Example Session Controller ####
`Aeacus.Authenticator.authenticate` expects a `Map` with keys `:identity`, and `:password`. Alternatively, `Aeacus.Authenticator.authenticate_resource` can be used if a resource is already loaded.

defmodule MyApp.SessionController do
  def create(conn, params) do
    case Aeacus.Authenticator.authenticate %{identity: params[:email], password: params[:pass]} do
      {:ok, user} -> CreateTokenOrCookie
      {:error, message} -> DisplayAuthenticationScreenAgain