# AfricastalkingElixir
**TODO: Add voice, bulk sms and mobile payments functionality**
Unofficial AfricasTalking elixir library that currently lets you send SMS through AfricasTalking messaging api.
## Installation
You can install this package by adding `africastalking_elixir` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:africastalking_elixir, "~> 0.1.0"}
You could have a look at it here https://hexdocs.pm/africastalking_elixir/0.1.0
## Usage
In order to send an SMS, we require a list of options like:
`options = [username: "sandbox", to: "+256772******", message: "Omar's coming yo!"]`.
If you are using your AfricasTalking sandbox account your username should be `sandbox`.
__Sending an SMS__
`AfricastalkingElixir.Sms.send_sms(options, apiKey, environment)`.
If your app is in production, you should call the `send_sms/3` function as follows:
options = [username: "YOUR_AFRICAS_TALKING_APP_USERNAME", to: "+256772******", message: "Omar's comin yo!"]
env = "production"
AfricastalkingElixir.Sms.send_sms(options, api_key, env)
If in development, you should call the `send_sms/3` function like:
options = [username: "sandbox", to: "+256772******", message: "Omar's comin yo!"]
AfricastalkingElixir.Sms.send_sms(options, api_key, nil)
This package is open source under the terms of the [MIT LICENCE](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)