# AgentForge


AgentForge is a lightweight, signal-driven workflow framework for Elixir, designed for building flexible and maintainable data processing pipelines.

graph TB
    Signal[Signal] --> Handler[Handler]
    Handler --> Store[Store]
    Handler --> Flow[Flow]
    Flow --> Runtime[Runtime]

## Features

- 🔄 **Signal-driven Architecture**: Build workflows around immutable signals
- 🧩 **Composable Primitives**: Core building blocks for common patterns
- 🔀 **Flexible Flows**: Chain handlers into dynamic processing pipelines
- 📦 **State Management**: Track and update workflow state
- âš¡ **Async Support**: Handle asynchronous operations
- 🛠 **Configuration-based**: Define workflows in YAML
- 💪 **Type-safe**: Leverages Elixir's pattern matching
- 🔌 **Plugin System**: Extend functionality with custom plugins

## Quick Start

# Add to mix.exs
def deps do
    {:agent_forge, "~> 0.2.1"}

# Run
mix deps.get

> **Note**: AgentForge 0.2.1 introduces the plugin system with improved code quality! See the [Plugin System Guide](guides/ for more details.

### Simple Example

defmodule Example do
  alias AgentForge.{Flow, Signal, Primitives}

  def run do
    # Define workflow steps
    validate = Primitives.transform(fn data ->
      if data.valid?, do: data, else: raise "Invalid data"

    process = Primitives.transform(fn data ->
      Map.put(data, :processed, true)

    notify = Primitives.notify(
      format: &("Processed: #{inspect(&1)}")

    # Compose workflow
    workflow = [validate, process, notify]

    # Execute
    signal =, %{valid?: true})
    {:ok, result, _state} = Flow.process(workflow, signal, %{})

## Core Components

### Signals
Immutable messages that flow through the system:
signal =, %{id: 1})

### Primitives
Building blocks for common patterns:
- **Branch**: Conditional processing
- **Transform**: Data modification
- **Loop**: Iteration handling
- **Wait**: Async operations
- **Notify**: Event notifications

### Flows
Compose handlers into pipelines:
workflow = [&validate/2, &process/2, &notify/2]

## Execution Limits

AgentForge now supports execution limits for flows to prevent long-running processes:

# Create a handler
handler = fn signal, state ->
  # Processing logic...
  {{:emit,, result)}, state}

# Apply timeout limit
{:ok, result, state} = AgentForge.process_with_limits(
  timeout_ms: 5000  # Execution limited to 5 seconds

# Get execution statistics in the result
{:ok, result, state, stats} = AgentForge.process_with_limits(
  return_stats: true

# Or retrieve the last execution statistics afterwards
stats = AgentForge.get_last_execution_stats()

The execution limits feature supports the following options:
- `timeout_ms`: Maximum execution time in milliseconds (default: `30000`)
- `collect_stats`: Whether to collect execution statistics (default: `true`)
- `return_stats`: Whether to include statistics in the return value (default: `false`)

See the documentation for more details.

## Documentation

- [AgentForge Design Philosophy & Architecture Guide](guides/
- [Getting Started Guide](guides/
- [Core Concepts](guides/
- [Contribution Guidelines](

## Examples

- [Data Processing](examples/data_processing.exs): Basic data transformation pipeline
- [Async Workflow](examples/async_workflow.exs): Handling async operations
- [Configuration-based](examples/config_workflow.exs): YAML-defined workflows

## Design Philosophy

AgentForge focuses on:
- **Simplicity**: Clean, understandable codebase
- **Flexibility**: Adaptable to various use cases
- **Maintainability**: Well-documented, tested code
- **Composability**: Build complex flows from simple parts

## Use Cases

- ✅ Data Processing Pipelines
- ✅ Event-driven Workflows
- ✅ Multi-step Validations
- ✅ Async Task Orchestration
- ✅ Business Process Automation

## Development

### Setup

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd agent_forge

# Get dependencies
mix deps.get

# Run tests
mix test

# Generate documentation
mix docs

### Pre-release Checklist

- [ ] All tests pass (`mix test`)
- [ ] Test coverage is acceptable (`mix coveralls.html` - check coverage/excoveralls.html)
- [ ] Code is formatted (`mix format`)
- [ ] Documentation generates without errors (`mix docs`)
- [ ] Version number is correct in mix.exs
- [ ] is updated
- [ ] GitHub Actions workflows are in place
- [ ] All examples run without errors

## Contributing

We welcome contributions! Please see our [Contributing Guide]( for guidelines.

1. Read the [AgentForge Design Philosophy & Architecture Guide](guides/
2. Fork the repository
3. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature`)
4. Run the tests (`mix test`)
5. Commit your changes (`git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature'`)
6. Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/amazing-feature`)
7. Open a Pull Request

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.