# Agentex

**Elixir distributed agent implementation on top of Mnesia**

## Installation

In **mix.exs**:

def deps do
    {:agentex, "~> 0.1"}

def application do
      applications: [

## Preparation

### Schema

$ iex --cookie agentex -S mix run.distributed
  Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.3] [...]

Interactive Elixir (1.5.0-dev) - [...]
iex(primary@> nodes = [Node.self | Node.list]                
iex(primary@> Amnesia.stop
iex(primary@> :rpc.multicall(nodes, Amnesia, :stop, [])
{[:stopped, :stopped, :stopped, :stopped, :stopped], []}
iex(primary@> Amnesia.Schema.destroy
iex(primary@> Amnesia.Schema.create(nodes)

## Usage

Agentex.put :pi, 3.14
Agentex.get :pi
#⇒ 3.14
Agentex.put :credentials, %{user: "john", pass: "*********"}
Agentex.get :credentials
#⇒ %{user: "john", pass: "*********"}

## Distributed usage

config :agentex, :nodes, ~w|n1@ n2@|a

Make sure, the `Agentex` application with the same config is starting
on all the nodes listed. The first node would be considered “master” node.
It will be used to produce schema and re-create tables on each subsequent
application restart.

By default, the only database `Agentex.Simple` with the single table
`Agentex.Simple.Kv` of type `key ⇒ value` is being created, though one might
specify their own database, containing as many tables as needed.

In the latter case, to distinguish `Agentex.{get,put}` calls between
different tables, the table module atom should be specified as the very
first parameter:

Agentex.put Agentex.Db.Math, :pi, 3.14
Agentex.get Agentex.Db.Math, :pi
#⇒ 3.14

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