# Agnus
Agnus is [Sunrise Sunset](https://sunrise-sunset.org) wrapped in an Elixir supervised GenServer.
- Self contained application when added as a dependency
- Simple configuration of lat, long and timezone of physical location of interest
- Caches the current day info to minimize calls to the API
- Returns a map of the data returned by the [Sunrise Sunset API](https://sunrise-sunset.org/api)
## Installation
Install the package by adding `agnus` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:agnus, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Configuration
# Defaults if not overridden by local configuration
config :agnus,
day_info: [
# should the GenServer init() and/or init args be logged?
log: [init: false, init_args: false],
# timezone of interest
tz: "America/New_York",
api: [
# url of the API (shouldn't need to be changed)
url: "https://api.sunrise-sunset.org",
# latitude in decimal degrees
lat: 40.2108,
# longitude in decimal degrees
lng: -74.011
## Basic Usage
See [Sunrise Sunset](https://sunrise-sunset.org) for details on the data available and what each key represents.
> At first glance the date times can be confusing since they represent the
> beginning and end of the phase of the visibility of the sun and the light
> we see.
> - For the time sun dims look at the `*_end` keys.
> - For the time when the sun shines look at the `*_begin` keys.
> This could be obvious to everyone however it took a moment of
> confusion for me to see the nuance.
## Examples
# retrieve all available data for today
iex> Agnus.sun_info(:all)
astronomical_twilight_begin: #DateTime<2020-04-24 04:21:47-04:00 EDT America/New_York>,
astronomical_twilight_end: #DateTime<2020-04-24 21:26:10-04:00 EDT America/New_York>,
civil_twilight_begin: #DateTime<2020-04-24 05:34:11-04:00 EDT America/New_York>,
civil_twilight_end: #DateTime<2020-04-24 20:13:46-04:00 EDT America/New_York>,
day_length: 49311,
nautical_twilight_begin: #DateTime<2020-04-24 04:59:10-04:00 EDT America/New_York>,
nautical_twilight_end: #DateTime<2020-04-24 20:48:47-04:00 EDT America/New_York>,
solar_noon: #DateTime<2020-04-24 12:53:58-04:00 EDT America/New_York>,
sunrise: #DateTime<2020-04-24 06:03:03-04:00 EDT America/New_York>,
sunset: #DateTime<2020-04-24 19:44:54-04:00 EDT America/New_York>
# retrieve a list of specific keys
iex> Agnus.sun_info([:civil_twilight_end, :civil_twilight_begin])
civil_twilight_begin: #DateTime<2020-04-24 05:34:11-04:00 EDT America/New_York>,
civil_twilight_end: #DateTime<2020-04-24 20:13:46-04:00 EDT America/New_York>
# retrieve a single key
iex> Agnus.sun_info(:civil_twilight_end)
civil_twilight_end: #DateTime<2020-04-24 20:13:46-04:00 EDT America/New_York>}
# refresh data for today
iex> Agnus.trigger_sun_info_refresh()
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