# Changelog

## v2.2.0 (2024-05-10)

### Enhancements

* Better config name: `:context_environment` replaces `:environment` in the
  configuration.  `:environment` will continue to work for backwards compatibility.
* New config option: `:production_aliases` can be set to a list of names that
  should be translated to `"production"` for `notice.context.environment`.  See
  README for more details.
* New documentation for config option: `:json_encoder` is documented in the
* New JSON encoder protections:
    * If the JSON encoder module does not exist at compile time, the library
      will compile with an error.
    * If the JSON encoder module does not exist when `Airbrake.Worker` is
      started, the process will not start.
    * If the JSON encoder module _does_ exist but does not define `encode!/1`
      when a report is made, a warning will be output to stderr and a _very_
      simple Airbrake notice about the missing `encode!/1` function _will_ be
      sent.  Previously, the `Airbrake.Worker` would crash and take the app down
      with it without sending any Airbrake notices.

## v2.1.0 (??????????)

### Enhancements

  * New config option: if `:session` is set to `:include_logger_metadata`, the
    Logger metadata from `Logger.metadata/0` is added to the `session` field of
    the report.  (If the option is not set, the metadata is not included.)

## v2.0.0 (2024-03-11)

### Enhancements

  * [Airbrake.Utils] Add `detuple/1` to support CBRelay in parsing Airbrake params before transmitting
  * [Airbrake.Utils] Add `destruct/1` to support CBRelay in parsing Airbrake params before transmitting

### Breaking Change

  * Drop support for Elixir <1.12

## v1.0.0 (2023-10-12)

### Enhancements

  * [Airbrake.Worker] use only `Application.compile_env/3`, drop use of `Application.get_env/3`.
  * Formatting changes.
  * Allow version 1.X or 2.X for `httpoison`; drop support for 0.9.

### Breaking Change

  * Drop support for Elixir <1.10.  Use must use earlier version to compile with earlier versions of Elixir.

## v0.11.0 (2022-12-05)

  * [Airbrake.Plug] Exposes `handle_errors/2` as private
  * Fixes credo warnings

## v0.10.0 (2021-07-14)

  * [Airbrake.Payload] Support logging structs in payload.
  * [Airbrake.Payload] Filter atom keys from maps in payload.

## v0.9.1 (2021-06-08)

### Enhancements

  * [Airbrake] Updates default URL to ``.

### Bug fixes

  * [Airbrake] Add `:filter_headers` option to filter HTTP headers included in `:environment`.
  * [Airbrake.Payload] Conditionally derive `Jason.Encoder` if `Jason.Encoder` is defined (i.e., `jason` is a dependency).
  * [Airbrake.Payload] Add fields `context`, `environment`, `params`, and `session` to `Airbrake.Payload`.
  * [Airbrake.Worker] Generate a useable stacktrace when one isn't provided in the options.

## v0.9.0 (2021-06-04)

Fixes deprecations and improves testing.

### Enhancements

  * [Airbrake.Worker] Abstract HTTP client for better testing using `mox`.
  * [Airbrake.Worker] Add tests.
  * [Airbrake.LoggerBackend] Add tests.
  * [Airbrake.LoggerBackend] Use `@behaviour :gen_event` instead of `use GenEvent`.
  * [mix.exs] Start dependency applications automatically.

### Bug fixes

  * [Airbrake.Channel] Use `__STACKTRACE__` instead of deprecated `System.stacktrace()`.
  * [Airbrake.Worker] Use `, :current_stacktrace)` instead of deprecated `System.stacktrace()`.
  * [Airbrake] Use child spec instead of deprecated Supervisor.Spec.worker/1.

## v0.8.2 (2021-06-03)

Renames the app to `:airbrake_client`.

### Bug fixes

  * [mix.exs] Renames the app to `:airbrake_client` so that starting the app for this library is more natural.

## v0.8.1 (2021-06-02)

Quick documentation fix.

### Bug fixes

  * [] Use correct case when linking to `readme.html`.

## v0.8.0 (2021-06-02)

The first official release of `airbrake_client` (forked and disconnected from [`airbrake`](

### Enhancements

  * [] Update for new maintainers and better instructions.

## Previous versions

The CityBase fork of `airbrake` had a [v0.7.0 release](, available only through GitHub.

Versions 0.6.x are available as the original [`airbrake`]( library.