# Airbrakex [![Package Version](]( [![Code Climate](]( [![Build Status](](
Elixir client for the [Airbrake]( service!

## Installation

Add Airbrakex as a dependency to your `mix.exs` file:

defp deps do
  [{:airbrakex, "~> 0.1.8"}]

If on Elixir 1.3 or lower you will need to add it to your applications.

def application do
  [applications: [:airbrakex]]

Then run `mix deps.get` in your shell to fetch the dependencies.

### Configuration

It requires `project_key` and `project` parameters to be set
in your application environment, usually defined in your `config/config.exs`.
`logger_level` and `environment` are optional.

config :airbrakex,
  project_key: "abcdef12345",
  project_id: 123456,
  logger_level: :error,
  environment: Mix.env

#### Advanced Configuration

If you want to use errbit instance, set custom url as `endpoint`.
If you connect through a proxy or need to pass other specific options to
`HTTPoison` you can use `http_options`, see
for a list of the available options.

config :airbrakex,
  project_key: "abcdef12345",
  project_id: 123456,
  endpoint: "",
  http_options: [ssl: [cacertfile: "/path/to/certfile.pem"]]

## Usage

try do
  exception -> Airbrakex.notify(exception)

### Logger Backend

There is a Logger backend to send logs to the Airbrake,
which could be configured as follows:

config :logger,
  backends: [:console, Airbrakex.LoggerBackend]

### Plug

You can plug `Airbrakex.Plug` in your web application Plug stack to send all exception to Airbrake

defmodule YourApp.Router do
  use Phoenix.Router
  use Airbrakex.Plug

  # ...

### Ignore

You can ignore certain types of errors by specifying `:ignore` config key:

config :airbrakex,
  # List form
  ignore: [Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError]
  # OR
  # Function
  ignore: fn(error) ->
    cond do
      error.type == Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError -> true
      String.contains?(error.message, "Ecto.NoResultsError") -> true
      true -> false

## Thankx
 - [Airbrake Elixir](
 - [AirbrakePlug](
 - [Rollbax](

## Thank you!

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