# Airtable
## Planned Features and open questions
- replicate API features with basic REST features:
* [x] list
* [x] create
* [x] retrieve
* [x] update
* [x] replace
* [x] delete
- [ ] add filters/queries to list()
- [ ] retrieve all results for a larger set - iterate over offsets, respecting the rate limit of 5/s
## Out-of scope
- act as caching proxies to overcome rate limiting
* in-memory only first
- change notofications
* plain callbacks via {module, function, args} tuples
These things will be done in a different project as this module with concentrate
on the basic REST features themselves.
[![buddy pipeline](https://app.buddy.works/zwoelf/elixir-airtable-client/pipelines/pipeline/199738/badge.svg?token=fb70ba265872a7640649f628ae57a3dae87c2cb21b49f078558379a232e50968 "buddy pipeline")](https://app.buddy.works/zwoelf/elixir-airtable-client/pipelines/pipeline/199738)
# Intention
Base your own API wrapper by calling this application with specific API keys,
table keys and stuff and also convert `Airtable.Result.Item` structs into
whatever is your best matching thing. Usually you'd want to parse `fields`
contents if said items further:
defmodule MyApp.Airtable.Film do
defstruct title: nil, rental_id: nil, pegi: nil, teaser: nil
def from_airtable_item(%Airtable.Result.Item{id: id, fields: map}) do
struct(Film, map) # this will probably more complex in reality
def list do
api_key = Application.get_env(:airtable, :api_key)
film_base = Application.get_env(:airtable, :film_base)
with {:ok, %Airtable.Result.Likst{records: records}} <- Airtable.list(api_key, film_base, "films") do
Enum.map(records, &from_airtable_item/1)
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `airtable` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:airtable, "~> 0.3.1"}
# Usage
## create
{:ok, %Airtable.Result.Item{id: id1, fields: %{"foo" => 1, "bar" => 2}}} = Airtable.create("<API_KEY>", "<TABLE_KEY>", "<TABLE_NAME>", fields: %{"foo" => 1, "bar" => 2})
{:ok, %Airtable.Result.Item{id: id2, fields: %{"foo" => 3, "bar" => 4}}} = Airtable.create("<API_KEY>", "<TABLE_KEY>", "<TABLE_NAME>", fields: %{"foo" => 3, "bar" => 4})
## list
{:ok, result} = Airtable.list("<API_KEY>", "<table_key>", "<table_name>")
{:ok ,
records: [
%Airtable.Result.Item{id: ^id1, fields: %{"foo" => 1, "bar" => 2}},
%Airtable.Result.Item{id: ^id2, fields: %{"foo" => 3, "bar" => 4}},
## list certain fields only
iex> Airtable.list("API_KEY", "app_BASE", "Filme", fields: ["title", "year"])
offset: nil,
records: [
fields: %{"year" => "2004", "title" => "Kill Bill Volume 2"},
id: "recbummibaer12xx"
fields: %{"titke" => "A blonde dream"}, # <-- null and empty "" values will be removed by Airtable itself!
id: "recfoobarbazbumm"
## get (retrieve)
{:ok, get_result} = Airtable.get("<API_KEY>", "<TABLE_KEY>", "<TABLE_NAME>", id1)
{:ok, %Airtable.Result.Item{id: id1, fields: %{"foor" => 1, "bar" => 2}}}
## replace
This will overwrite all fields in the existing row. Keys not goven in `fields`
map will be nil-ified.
{:ok, get_result} = Airtable.replace("<API_KEY>", "<TABLE_KEY>", "<TABLE_NAME>", id1, fields: %{"foo" => 5, "bar" => 6})
{:ok, %Airtable.Result.Item{id: id1, fields: %{"foor" => 5, "bar" => 6}}}
## update
This will update only those fields present in the argument `fields` map. Alle
others will be kept.
{:ok, get_result} = Airtable.update("<API_KEY>", "<TABLE_KEY>", "<TABLE_NAME>", id1, fields: %{"foo" => 7})
{:ok, %Airtable.Result.Item{id: id1, fields: %{"foor" => 7, "bar" => 6}}}
## delete
{:ok, id1} = Airtable.delete("<API_KEY>", "<TABLE_KEY>", "<TABLE_NAME>", id1)
# Documentation
A full description of all available calls is on HexDocs: