# AlchemicAvatar

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Creating letter avatar from user's name(or any other strong / character).
>Inspired by [letter_avatar](

## Examples

#### Google's Inbox Palette


## Installation
System requirements

$ sudo apt-get install -y imagemagick

Mac OS X

$ brew install imagemagick ghostscript

Add alchemic_avatar to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
  [{:alchemic_avatar, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Ensure alchemic_avatar is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:alchemic_avatar]]

## Configuration

config :alchemic_avatar,
  cache_base_path: "priv/static",        # default is "priv/static"
  colors_palette: :iwanthue,             # default is :google
  weight: 500,                           # default is 300
  annotate_position: "-0+10"             # default is -0+5
  app_name: #your app name(required)
#### Color palette

We have two color palettes implemented: `iwanthue` and `google`.

Each of them have different colors, but the `iwanthue` also differently calculates the color for specified username.

The `google` selected will generate the same avatar for both, "Krzysiek" and "ksz2k" usernames given (both of them starts with letter "k"), but `iwanthue` will calculate it's md5 and then selects color, so there's huge chance that these usernames get different colors.

## Usage

AlchemicAvatar.generate 'ksz2k', 200
=> "public/system/alchemic_avatar/k/155_206_95/200.png"

### Way to support chinese hanzi
# Translate chinese hanzi to pinyin
iex> Pinyin.from_string("龡龢龣龤龥癩")
"chui he jue xie yu la"