# Changelog

## DEV

## v0.7.0 - 2022-03-29

#### Breaking changes

- Indexer operation returns a `%Algoliax.Reponse{}` (#51)

#### Bug fix

- Ensure clean up on reindex fail

## v0.6.0 - 2021-06-10

#### Updates

- Replace deprecated `hmac` function with new :crypto API `mac` function to support OTP-24

#### Breaking changes

- Drop support for OTP 21. OTP 22+ is now required.

## v0.5.0 - 2021-03-04

#### New

- [Welcome to the Jungle]( became the owner :tada:
- Add ability to define replicas
- Raise when Algolia API error

#### Breaking changes

- `generate_secured_api_key/1` is removed in favor of `generate_secured_api_key/2`
- Drop support of Elixir 1.9. Elixir 1.10 or greater required

#### Updates

- update hackney to 1.17

## v0.4.3 - 2020-08-31

#### New

- add ability to customize objectID by overriding `get_object_id/1`

#### Improvement

- Make sure index is configured before any action.

## v0.4.2 - 2020-05-14

#### New

- add ability to provide preloads for `reindex` and `reindex_atomic` function

defmodule People do
  use Algoliax.Indexer,
    index_name: :people,
    object_id: :reference,
    schemas: [
      {__MODULE__, [:animals]}
    algolia: [
      attribute_for_faceting: ["age"],
      custom_ranking: ["desc(updated_at)"]


## v0.4.1 - 2020-05-01

#### New

- add `generate_secured_api_key!/1`

## v0.4.0 - 2020-04-24

#### New

- add ability configure `:recv_timeout` for hackney.
- add ability to pass query_filters or Ecto.Query to `reindex/2`.

filters = %{where: [name: "John"]}

query = from(p in People, where: == "john")

#### breaking changes

- improved `generate_secured_api_key/1`
- remove attributes macros in favor of `build_object/1`
- remove `:prepare_object` options
- remove `:preloads` options

## v0.3.0 - 2020-04-04

#### New

- add `prepare_object` to modify object before send to algolia
- add ability to provide `build_object/1` instead of attributes
- add `schemas` option to override caller

#### Bug fix

- Fix pagination when `cursor_field` different than `:id`
- `delete_object/1` and `reindex` w/ `force_delete: true` don't need to build entire object

#### breaking changes

- change dependencies to optional (ecto)
- Move algoliax to algoliax/indexer.

# old
use Algoliax,

# New
use Algoliax.Indexer,

- Move algolia specific settings into `:algolia` option

# old
use Algoliax.Indexer,
  index_name: :test,
  attributes_for_faceting: ["age"],
  searchable_attributes: ["full_name"],
  custom_ranking: ["desc(updated_at)"],

# New
use Algoliax.Indexer,
  index_name: :test,
  algolia: [
    attributes_for_faceting: ["age"],
    searchable_attributes: ["full_name"],
    custom_ranking: ["desc(updated_at)"]


## v0.2.0 - 2020-01-27

### Enhancements

- add option to customize column used to find records in batch (`cursor_field`)
- add preloads to find records in batch.