# AliyunSms

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Aliyun SMS API(阿里云短信服务 API)

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `aliyun_sms` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:aliyun_sms, "~> 0.2.4"}

## Configuration
config :aliyun_sms,
  access_key_id: "ALIYUN_ACCESS_KEY_ID",
  access_key_secret: "ALIYUN_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET"

## Usage

Aliyun.Sms.send_sms("1500000000", "阿里云短信测试专用", "SMS_0000", %{code: "222333"})
# {:ok, %{"Code" => "OK", "Message" => "OK", "BizId" => "700000000000000000^0", "RequestId" => "A0000000-3CC1-4000-8000-E00000000000"}}

Aliyun.Sms.send_sms("1500000000", "invalid_sig", "SMS_0000", %{code: "222333"})
# {:error, "isv.SMS_SIGNATURE_ILLEGAL", %{"Code" => "isv.SMS_SIGNATURE_ILLEGAL", "Message" => "短信签名不合法"}}

Aliyun.Sms.send_sms("1500000000", "阿里云短信测试专用", "SMS_0000", %{code: "222333"})
# {:error, :http_error, "REASON"}

Aliyun.Sms.send_sms("1500000000", "阿里云短信测试专用", "SMS_0000", %{code: "222333"})
# {:error, :json_decode_error, "BODY"}

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