# Alpa
Elixir API wrapper module for [Alpaca Markets](https://alpaca.markets)
(very alpha, not for production or real money accounts, not an official alpaca.markets package)
see [hex docs](https://hexdocs.pm/alpa) for all functions
elixir libs: [HTTPoison](https://github.com/edgurgel/httpoison/), [Jason](https://github.com/michalmuskala/jason), [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
## implemented functions
- [x] account info
- [x] orders
- [x] market data (bars)
- [x] positions
- [x] watchlists
- [ ] calendar
- [ ] clock
- [ ] account config
- [ ] account activities
- [x] portfolio history
- [ ] streaming
uses [v2 alpaca markets api](https://docs.alpaca.markets/api-documentation/api-v2/)
## config
export APCA_API_PAPER="https://paper-api.alpaca.markets"
export APCA_API_DATA="https://data.alpaca.markets"
## Usage
### account info
iex(1)> Alpa.account
"account_blocked" => false,
"account_number" => "XXXXXXXXXX",
"buying_power" => "400000",
"cash" => "100000",
"created_at" => "2020-03-08T20:34:27.768721Z",
"currency" => "USD",
"daytrade_count" => 0,
"daytrading_buying_power" => "400000",
"equity" => "100000",
"id" => "d905b07d-240c-4c07-9bb5-707820aae345",
"initial_margin" => "0",
"last_equity" => "100000",
"last_maintenance_margin" => "0",
"long_market_value" => "0",
"maintenance_margin" => "0",
"multiplier" => "4",
"pattern_day_trader" => false,
"portfolio_value" => "100000",
"regt_buying_power" => "200000",
"short_market_value" => "0",
"shorting_enabled" => true,
"sma" => "0",
"status" => "ACTIVE",
"trade_suspended_by_user" => false,
"trading_blocked" => false,
"transfers_blocked" => false
### generic buy order
iex(11)> Alpa.place_order("AMD", 10, "buy", "market", "day")
### buy market day order helper
iex(5)> Alpa.buy("AMD",10)
"asset_class" => "us_equity",
"asset_id" => "03fb07bb-5db1-4077-8dea-5d711b272625",
"canceled_at" => nil,
"client_order_id" => "9bd7ecf4-5f77-4c97-97a3-77407238d4d7",
"created_at" => "2020-03-09T01:27:48.111921Z",
"expired_at" => nil,
"extended_hours" => false,
"failed_at" => nil,
"filled_at" => nil,
"filled_avg_price" => nil,
"filled_qty" => "0",
"id" => "24c8895d-0ecc-43f3-acfc-83ca79785908",
"legs" => nil,
"limit_price" => nil,
"order_class" => "",
"order_type" => "market",
"qty" => "10",
"replaced_at" => nil,
"replaced_by" => nil,
"replaces" => nil,
"side" => "buy",
"status" => "accepted",
"stop_price" => nil,
"submitted_at" => "2020-03-09T01:27:48.074728Z",
"symbol" => "AMD",
"time_in_force" => "day",
"type" => "market",
"updated_at" => "2020-03-09T01:27:48.111921Z"
### sell market day order
iex(1)> Alpa.sell("AMD", 10)
### delete a pending order
iex(2)> Alpa.delete_place_order("a5521a11-e664-44d8-b848-f613ae8c4fcc")
{:ok, :success}
### delete all pending orders
iex(3)> Alpa.delete_all_orders
{:ok, :success}
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `alpa` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:alpa, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Changelog
0.1.0 basic account info, buy, sell, delete orders
0.1.1 hex docs
0.1.2 added market data (bars), multiple endpoint support (paper-api, data)
0.1.3 added positions, watchlists
0.1.4 added portfolio history, README/docs cleanup
## Contributing
Suggestions welcomed. Please open an [issue](https://github.com/phiat/alpa/issues)
## License
made with [Elixir](https://elixir-lang.org/) and 💙, by [phiat](https://github.com/phiat)