# Amplitude_ex

An Elixir client for the Amplitude HTTP API

## Installation

  1. Add `amplitude` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
    [{:amplitude, "~> 0.2.0"}]

## Usage

  1. Track events with the `Amplitude.track/4` function:

  iex> Amplitude.track("LOGIN_SUCCESS", "janedoe_123", %{"ip" => ""}, %{"cohort" => "Test A"}, api_key: "<your_api_key>")
  {:ok, "success"}

  See [Amplitude track event parameters]( for more details on supported params to track.

  2. Identify users with the `Amplitude.identify/3` function:

  iex> Amplitude.identify("janedoe_123", %{"gender" =>"female"}, %{"country" => "Canada"}, api_key: "<your_api_key>")
  {:ok, "success"}

  See [Amplitude identify parameters](