# amqp-filter: A SQL92 predicate evaluator in Erlang.

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**amqp-filter** is an Erlang library that allows to evaluate SQL-92 predicates in the same way as in Azure Service Bus.

It supports the BNF grammar specified [here](

To create the lexer and parser we have used [leex]( and [yecc](

## Usage:
amqp_filter:evaluate("ID IN (123, 456, 789)", [{"ID", 456}]).
amqp_filter:evaluate("USERNAME = 'NICK' AND AGE > 18", [{ "USERNAME", "NICK" }, { "AGE", 25 }]).
amqp_filter:evaluate("YEAR % 4 = 0 AND (NOT YEAR % 100 = 0 OR YEAR % 400 = 0)", [{ "YEAR", 2018 }]).

## Integrate to your project

**amqp-filter** is available as a [ package]( and uses [Rebar 3]( as its build system so
it can be easily integrated in your project.

### Rebar

Adding **amqp-filter** as a package dependency in your `rebar.config` file:

{deps, [{amqp_filter, "0.3.7"}]}.


Adding **amqp-filter** as a package dependency in your `Makefile`:

DEPS = amqp_filter
dep_amqp_filter = hex 0.3.7

### Mix

Adding **amqp-filter** as a package dependency in your `mix.exs` file:

def project do
    deps: [{:amqp, "~> 0.3.7"}]

## Complete documentation

See for a complete documentation.