
defmodule Amqpx.Connection do
  @moduledoc """
  Functions to operate on Connections.

  import Amqpx.Core

  alias Amqpx.{Connection, Helper}

  defstruct [:pid]
  @type t :: %Connection{pid: pid}

  @doc """
  Opens a new connection without a name.

  Behaves exactly like `open(options_or_uri, :undefined)`. See `open/2`.
  @spec open(keyword | String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, atom()} | {:error, any()}
  def open(options_or_uri \\ []) when is_binary(options_or_uri) or is_list(options_or_uri) do
    open(options_or_uri, :undefined)

  @doc """
  Opens an new Connection to an Amqpx broker.

  The connections created by this module are supervised under  amqp_client's supervision tree.
  Please note that connections do not get restarted automatically by the supervision tree in
  case of a failure. If you need robust connections and channels, use monitors on the returned
  connection PID.

  This function can be called in three ways:

    * with a list of options and a name
    * with an Amqpx URI and a name
    * with an Amqpx URI and a list of options (in this case, the options are merged with
      the Amqpx URI, taking precedence on same keys)

  ## Options

    * `:username` - The name of a user registered with the broker (defaults to `"guest"`);
    * `:password` - The password of user (defaults to `"guest"`);
    * `:virtual_host` - The name of a virtual host in the broker (defaults to `"/"`);
    * `:host` - The hostname of the broker (defaults to `"localhost"`);
    * `:port` - The port the broker is listening on (defaults to `5672`);
    * `:channel_max` - The channel_max handshake parameter (defaults to `0`);
    * `:frame_max` - The frame_max handshake parameter (defaults to `0`);
    * `:heartbeat` - The hearbeat interval in seconds (defaults to `10`);
    * `:connection_timeout` - The connection timeout in milliseconds (defaults to `50000`);
    * `:ssl_options` - Enable SSL by setting the location to cert files (defaults to `:none`);
    * `:client_properties` - A list of extra client properties to be sent to the server, defaults to `[]`;
    * `:socket_options` - Extra socket options. These are appended to the default options. \
                          See and \
                          for descriptions of the available options.

  ## Enabling SSL

  To enable SSL, supply the following in the `ssl_options` field:

    * `cacertfile` - Specifies the certificates of the root Certificate Authorities that we wish to implicitly trust;
    * `certfile` - The client's own certificate in PEM format;
    * `keyfile` - The client's private key in PEM format;

  ### Example

  ``` port: 5671,
                       ssl_options: [cacertfile: '/path/to/testca/cacert.pem',
                                     certfile: '/path/to/client/cert.pem',
                                     keyfile: '/path/to/client/key.pem',
                                     # only necessary with intermediate CAs
                                     # depth: 2,
                                     verify: :verify_peer,
                                     fail_if_no_peer_cert: true]

  ## Connection name

  RabbitMQ supports user-specified connection names since version 3.6.2.

  Connection names are human-readable strings that will be displayed in the management UI.
  Connection names do not have to be unique and cannot be used as connection identifiers.

  If the name is `:undefined`, the connection is not registered with any name.

  ## Examples

      iex> options = [host: "localhost", port: 5672, virtual_host: "/", username: "guest", password: "guest"]
      iex>, :undefined)
      {:ok, %Amqpx.Connection{}}

      iex>"amqp://guest:guest@localhost", port: 5673)
      {:ok, %Amqpx.Connection{}}

      iex>"amqp://guest:guest@localhost", "a-connection-with-a-name")
      {:ok, %Amqpx.Connection{}}

  @spec open(keyword | String.t(), String.t() | :undefined | keyword) ::
          {:ok, t()} | {:error, atom()} | {:error, any()}
  def open(options_or_uri, options_or_name)

  def open(uri, name) when is_binary(uri) and (is_binary(name) or name == :undefined) do
    open(uri, name, _options = [])

  def open(options, name) when is_list(options) and (is_binary(name) or name == :undefined) do
    |> merge_options_to_default()
    |> do_open(name)

  def open(uri, options) when is_binary(uri) and is_list(options) do
    open(uri, :undefined, options)

  @doc """
  Opens a new connection with a name, merging the given Amqpx URI and options.

  This function opens a new connection by merging the given Amqpx URI `uri` and
  the given `options` and assigns it the name `name`.

  The options in `options` take precedence over the values in `uri`.

  See `open/2` for options.

  ## Examples

      iex>"amqp://guest:guest@localhost", "a-connection-name", port: 5673)
      {:ok, %Amqpx.Connection{}}

  @spec open(String.t(), String.t() | :undefined, keyword) ::
          {:ok, t()} | {:error, atom()} | {:error, any()}
  def open(uri, name, options) when is_binary(uri) and is_list(options) do
    case uri |> String.to_charlist() |> :amqp_uri.parse() do
      {:ok, amqp_params} -> amqp_params |> merge_options_to_amqp_params(options) |> do_open(name)
      error -> error

  @doc false
  @spec merge_options_to_amqp_params(tuple, keyword) :: tuple
  def merge_options_to_amqp_params(amqp_params, options) do
    options = normalize_ssl_options(options)
    params = amqp_params_network(amqp_params)

      username: keys_get(options, params, :username),
      password: Helper.get_password(options, params),
      virtual_host: keys_get(options, params, :virtual_host),
      host: options |> keys_get(params, :host) |> to_charlist,
      port: keys_get(options, params, :port),
      channel_max: keys_get(options, params, :channel_max),
      frame_max: keys_get(options, params, :frame_max),
      heartbeat: keys_get(options, params, :heartbeat),
      connection_timeout: keys_get(options, params, :connection_timeout),
      ssl_options: keys_get(options, params, :ssl_options),
      client_properties: keys_get(options, params, :client_properties),
      socket_options: keys_get(options, params, :socket_options),
      auth_mechanisms: keys_get(options, params, :auth_mechanisms)

  # Gets the value from k1. If empty, gets the value from k2.
  defp keys_get(k1, k2, key) do
    Keyword.get(k1, key, Keyword.get(k2, key))

  defp merge_options_to_default(options) do
      username: Keyword.get(options, :username, "guest"),
      password: Helper.get_password(options, nil),
      virtual_host: Keyword.get(options, :virtual_host, "/"),
      host: options |> Keyword.get(:host, 'localhost') |> to_charlist,
      port: Keyword.get(options, :port, :undefined),
      channel_max: Keyword.get(options, :channel_max, 0),
      frame_max: Keyword.get(options, :frame_max, 0),
      heartbeat: Keyword.get(options, :heartbeat, 10),
      connection_timeout: Keyword.get(options, :connection_timeout, 50_000),
      ssl_options: Keyword.get(options, :ssl_options, :none),
      client_properties: Keyword.get(options, :client_properties, []),
      socket_options: Keyword.get(options, :socket_options, []),
        Keyword.get(options, :auth_mechanisms, [

  @doc """
  Closes an open Connection.
  @spec close(t) :: :ok | {:error, any}
  def close(conn) do
    case :amqp_connection.close(, 5_000) do
      :ok -> :ok
      error -> {:error, error}

  defp do_open(amqp_params, name) do
    case :amqp_connection.start(amqp_params, name) do
      {:ok, pid} -> {:ok, %Connection{pid: pid}}
      error -> error

  defp normalize_ssl_options(options) when is_list(options) do
    for {k, v} <- options do
      if k in [:cacertfile, :certfile, :keyfile] do
        {k, to_charlist(v)}
        {k, v}

  defp normalize_ssl_options(options), do: options