# AnalyticsEx

A library trackiong how many visitors a [Phoenix]( application receives per day without collecting any data from the user. It encapsulates the [Homemade Analytics]( code of `José Valim` and simply counts the page-requests per path per day. The collected data is stored in a configurable [Ecto](

## Installation

### 1. Add the `analytics_ex` dependency
Add the following to your mix.exs and run mix deps.get:
def deps do
    {:analytics_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}

### 2. Generate and run the Ecto Migration
In order to create the `metrics` table, please run the following commands:

mix analytics.gen.migration
mix ecto.migrate

This will generate an `Ecto.Migration` which creates the `metrics` table into which we store the analytics data.

### 3. Configure which `Repo` to use
Tell the library which `Repo` to use for storing the analytics data.
# In config.exs

config :analytics_ex, repo: MyApp.Repo

### 4. Add the `Plug` to your `router.ex`
In your `router.ex`, add the `AnalyticsEx.Plugs.CountRequestsPerPath`-Plug to any pipeline which is used by the routes which you want to track.

  pipeline :browser do

## Thanks

### José Valim
Special thanks to José Valim not only for creating Elixir, Ecto, and many more useful things, but also for writing the [Homemade analytics with Ecto and Elixir]( blog post on the [Dashbit]( website.

### kipcole9
Thanks to [kip]( for his [answer]( on ElixirForum and his [implementation]( of how to generate an Ecto migration in the application which uses the library.