## [AngelList](https://angel.co) for Alchemists
:construction: *Work in progress!* :construction:
AngelList client library for Elixir.
## Why should I use it?
You shouldn't. Not yet.
### Features
* Minimalist.
## How do I use it?
### Installation
* Add it as a Mix dependency in the project.
def deps do
[{:angellist, "~> 0.0.0"}]
* Run mix deps.get to install.
* In you configuration, like `config/config.exs` or `config/prod.exs` set your defaults:
config :angellist,
client_id: "df3891820fb53e581399bd6c43bcb3b3e365f795a7ffbc71",
client_secret: "e2d46dba8cf1e6a758b698d5e97734d9d31a79e640f96b75",
access_token: "e5c0e9af2be1b491674d2a06ddbb2c256f09c887fab89eba"
### Example
iex> client = AngelList.client
iex> IO.inspect AngelList.User.me(client)
id: 155,
url: "http://angel.co/naval",
image: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/photos.angel.co/users/155-medium?1308634544",
name: "Naval Ravikant",
bio: "Sweat - AngelList, Venture Hacks, Vast, Epinions; Money - Twitter, Heyzap, SnapLogic",
investor: true,
followers: 13375,
links: %{
blog: "http://startupboy.com/",
bio: "http://startupboy.com/about/",
twitter: "http://twitter.com/naval",
facebook: "http://www.facebook.com/navalr",
linkedin: "http://www.linkedin.com/in/navalr"
locations: [
id: 1692,
url: "http://angel.co/san-francisco",
term: "san francisco",
humanized: "San Francisco""
roles: [
id: 9305,
url: "http://angel.co/seed-funds",
term: "seed funds",
humanized: "Seed Fund"
id: 14725,
url: "http://angel.co/entrepreneur-1",
term: "entrepreneur",
humanized: "Entrepreneur"
## How do I contribute?
You don't. Not yet.