# antedeguemon_checks

This is a collection of my personal (and highly experimental) Credo checks.

I use them when reviewing pull requests and to automate checking
[this check list]( items.

## Included checks

### 1. Consistency.ValidateDescribesArity

Checks if the test suite is using the describe/act spec from


defmodule ModuleTest do
  # ...

  describe "perform/1" do
    # this is fine
    test "is consistent" do

    # this is going to raise a warning
    test "does not call perform/1" do
      Module.perform(1, 2, 3)


### 2. Warning.RedundantDelegateAlias

Checks if a `defdelegate` has a redundant `as` option.


# this is fine
defdelegate perform(id), to: Module

# this is fine
defdelegate perform(id), to: Module, as: :perform_2

# this is going to raise a warning
defdelegate perform(id), to: Module, as: :perform


### 3. Warning.RejectTags

Checks if a module has a `@tag`, `@moduletag` or `@describetag`, that are
common left-over code.

### 4. Warning.UnspecifiedAsyncnessTestCase

Checks if a test module has a `(.*)Case` import that does not explicitly
defines its asyncness option.

defmodule ModuleTest do
  # this is fine
  use OtherModule

  # this is fine
  use ExUnit.Case, async: false

  # this is fine
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true

  # this is going to raise a warning
  use ExUnit.Case

  # this is going to raise a warning
  use MyProject.DataCase

## Using antedeguemon_checks

### As a script

This is useful because you don't need to install those checks (or even Credo)
in the project.

mv antedeguemon_checks ~/bin

## As a library

Add `antedeguemon_checks` to your `mix.exs`:

{:antedeguemon_checks, "~> 0.1"}

And use the custom checks in your `.credo.exs` file:

{AntedeguemonChecks.Check.Warning.UnspecifiedAsyncTestCase, [excluded: ["Credo.Test.Case"]]},