# Anthropix


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Anthropix is an open-source Elixir client for the Anthropic API, providing a simple and convenient way to integrate Claude, Anthropic's powerful language model, into your applications.

- ✅ API client fully implementing the [Anthropic API](
- 🛜 Streaming API requests
  - Stream to an Enumerable
  - Or stream messages to any Elixir process
- 😎 Powerful yet painless function calling with **Agents**

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `anthropix` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`.

def deps do
    {:anthropix, "~> 0.1"}

## Quickstart

For more examples, refer to the [Anthropix documentation](

### Initiate a client.

See `Anthropix.init/2`.

client = Anthropix.init(api_key)

### Chat with Claude

See ``.

messages = [
  %{role: "system", content: "You are a helpful assistant."},
  %{role: "user", content: "Why is the sky blue?"},
  %{role: "assistant", content: "Due to rayleigh scattering."},
  %{role: "user", content: "How is that different than mie scattering?"},
], [
  model: "claude-3-opus-20240229",
  messages: messages,
# {:ok, %{"content" => [%{
#   "type" => "text",
#   "text" => "Mie scattering affects all wavelengths similarly, while Rayleigh favors shorter ones."
# }], ...}}

### Streaming

A streaming request can be initiated by setting the `:stream` option.

When `:stream` is true a lazy `t:Enumerable.t/0` is returned which can be used with any `Stream` functions.

{:ok, stream} =, [
  model: "claude-3-opus-20240229",
  messages: messages,
  stream: true,
# {:ok, #Function<52.53678557/2 in Stream.resource/3>}

|> Stream.each(&update_ui_with_chunk/1)
# :ok

Because the above approach builds the `t:Enumerable.t/0` by calling `receive`, using this approach inside GenServer callbacks may cause the GenServer to misbehave. Setting the `:stream` option to a `t:pid/0` returns a `t:Task.t/0` which will send messages to the specified process.

## Function calling

Chatting with Claude is nice and all, but when it comes to function calling, Anthropix has a trick up its sleeve. Meet `Anthropix.Agent`.

The Agent module abstracts away all the rough bits of implementing [Anthropic style function calling](, leaving a delightfully simple API that opens the doors to powerful and advanced agent workflows.

ticker_tool =[
  name: "get_ticker_symbol",
  description: "Gets the stock ticker symbol for a company searched by name. Returns str: The ticker symbol for the company stock. Raises TickerNotFound: if no matching ticker symbol is found.",
  params: [
    %{name: "company_name", description: "The name of the company.", type: "string"}
  function: &MyStocks.get_ticker/1

price_tool =[
  name: "get_current_stock_price",
  description: "Gets the current stock price for a company. Returns float: The current stock price. Raises ValueError: if the input symbol is invalid/unknown.",
  params: [
    %{name: "symbol", description: "The stock symbol of the company to get the price for.", type: "string"}
  function: &MyStocks.get_price/1

agent = Anthropix.Agent.init(
  [ticker_tool, price_tool]
), [
  model: "claude-3-sonnet-20240229",
  system: "Answer like Snoop Dogg.",
  messages: [
    %{role: "user", content: "What is the current stock price of General Motors?"}
# %{
#   result: %{
#     "content" => [%{
#       "type" => "text",
#       "text" => "*snaps fingers* Damn shawty, General Motors' stock is sittin' pretty at $39.21 per share right now. Dat's a fly price for them big ballers investin' in one of Detroit's finest auto makers, ya heard? *puts hands up like car doors* If ya askin' Snoop, dat stock could be rollin' on some dubs fo' sho'. Just don't get caught slippin' when them prices dippin', ya dig?"
#     }]
#   }
# }

For a more detailed walkthrough, refer to the `Anthropix.Agent` documentation.

# License

This package is open source and released under the [Apache-2 License](

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