# Copyright(c) 2015-2023 ACCESS CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
use Croma
defmodule AntikytheraCore.Cluster.NodeId do
@moduledoc """
ID of instance that is visible to gear developers.
Note that the ID string here uses short hostname (`hostname -s`) instead of fully-qualified one (`hostname -f`)
in order to make it short by truncating common parts.
alias Antikythera.NodeId
@table_name AntikytheraCore.Ets.SystemCache.table_name()
@key :node_id
defun init() :: :ok do
{:ok, h} = :inet.gethostname()
node_id = List.to_string(h)
true = NodeId.valid?(node_id)
:ets.insert(@table_name, {@key, node_id})
defun get() :: NodeId.t() do
:ets.lookup_element(@table_name, @key, 2)