# Copyright(c) 2015-2023 ACCESS CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
use Croma
defmodule Antikythera.GearApplication do
@moduledoc """
Template for gear application module.
Invoking `use Antikythera.GearApplication` generates bunch of code, including (but not limited to)
- `Application` callbacks
- `Logger` module for the gear
- accessors to gear config
All gear implementations must have exactly one module that `use`s this module.
For antikythera maintainers:
Note that, when modifying the macros defined in `GearApplication` and `GearApplication.*`,
we need to re-compile all gears in order to deploy the changes.
alias Antikythera.{GearName, Conn}
alias Antikythera.ExecutorPool.Id, as: EPoolId
alias AntikytheraCore.{MetricsUploader, ExecutorPool}
alias AntikytheraCore.Alert.Manager, as: AlertManager
alias AntikytheraCore.{GearManager, GearModule}
alias AntikytheraCore.Config.Gear, as: GearConfig
alias AntikytheraCore.GearLog.Writer
@type child_spec :: :supervisor.child_spec() | {module, term} | module
@doc false
defun start(gear_name :: v[GearName.t()], children :: [child_spec]) :: {:ok, pid} do
all_children = predefined_children(gear_name) ++ children
opts = [
strategy: :one_for_one,
name: GearModule.root_supervisor_unsafe(gear_name)
{:ok, pid} = Supervisor.start_link(all_children, opts)
{:ok, pid}
defunp predefined_children(gear_name :: v[GearName.t()]) :: [child_spec] do
# In many cases the process name atoms below are already generated (as module names) at compile-time in `__using__/1` macro.
# However we don't assume that all these atoms actually exist and thus use unsafe functions,
# in order to handle gears' beam files compiled with an older version of antikythera
# where `__using__/1` didn't have all of the module generations.
# Dynamic atom generations here are acceptable since the number of processes is limited.
# Note: Required gear config should be read within `start_link/n` callbacks of each modules,
# so that latest gear config is always used on restart.
{Writer, [gear_name, GearModule.logger_unsafe(gear_name)]},
{MetricsUploader, [gear_name, GearModule.metrics_uploader_unsafe(gear_name)]},
{AlertManager, [gear_name, GearModule.alert_manager_unsafe(gear_name)]}
@doc false
defun stop(gear_name :: v[GearName.t()]) :: :ok do
ExecutorPool.kill_executor_pool({:gear, gear_name})
@callback children() :: [child_spec]
@callback executor_pool_for_web_request(Conn.t()) :: EPoolId.t()
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
use Application
@behaviour Antikythera.GearApplication
@gear_name Mix.Project.config()[:app]
def start(_type, _args) do
Antikythera.GearApplication.start(@gear_name, children())
def stop(_state) do
use Antikythera.GearApplication.ConfigGetter
use Antikythera.GearApplication.ErrorHandler
use Antikythera.GearApplication.Logger
use Antikythera.GearApplication.G2g
use Antikythera.GearApplication.MetricsUploader
use Antikythera.GearApplication.AlertManager