# Copyright(c) 2015-2023 ACCESS CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
defmodule Antikythera.Test.ConnHelper do
@moduledoc """
Helper functions to construct `Antikythera.Conn` object, to be used within tests.
Typical controller tests are executed as follows:
1. Make a `Antikythera.Conn` object.
2. Pass the object to the target controller action.
3. Inspect the returned `Antikythera.Conn` object.
You can use `make_conn/1` for the step-1 of the above procedure.
In controller tests this module is auto-imported by `use Antikythera.Test.ControllerTestCase`.
alias Antikythera.{Time, Conn, Request, Context}
def make_conn(opts0 \\ %{}) do
opts = if is_map(opts0), do: opts0, else: Map.new(opts0)
request: make_request(opts),
context: make_context(opts),
status: Map.get(opts, :status, 200),
resp_headers: Map.get(opts, :resp_headers, %{}),
resp_cookies: Map.get(opts, :resp_cookies, %{}),
resp_body: Map.get(opts, :resp_body, ""),
assigns: Map.get(opts, :assigns, %{})
defp make_request(opts) do
default_headers = %{
"accept" => "*/*",
"host" => "localhost:#{Antikythera.Env.port_to_listen()}"
method: Map.get(opts, :method, :get),
path_info: Map.get(opts, :path_info, ["hello", "json_api"]),
path_matches: Map.get(opts, :path_matches, %{}),
query_params: Map.get(opts, :query_params, %{}),
headers: Map.get(opts, :headers, default_headers),
cookies: Map.get(opts, :cookies, %{}),
raw_body: Map.get(opts, :raw_body, ""),
body: Map.get(opts, :body, ""),
sender: Map.get(opts, :sender, {:web, ""})
defp make_context(opts) do
now = Time.now()
start_time: Map.get(opts, :start_time, now),
context_id: Map.get(opts, :context_id, AntikytheraCore.Context.make_context_id(now)),
gear_name: Map.get(opts, :gear_name, :testgear),
executor_pool_id: Map.get(opts, :executor_pool_id, {:gear, :testgear}),
gear_entry_point: Map.get(opts, :gear_entry_point, {Testgear.Controller.Hello, :hello})