# Copyright(c) 2015-2023 ACCESS CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
use Croma
alias Antikythera.Http
defmodule Antikythera.G2gRequest do
alias Antikythera.EncodedPath
use Croma.Struct,
recursive_new?: true,
fields: [
method: Http.Method,
path: EncodedPath,
query_params: Http.QueryParams,
headers: Http.Headers,
cookies: Http.ReqCookiesMap,
body: Http.Body
defun from_web_request(%Antikythera.Request{
method: m,
path_info: pi,
query_params: q,
headers: hs,
cookies: cookies,
body: b
}) :: t do
method: m,
path: "/" <> Enum.join(pi, "/"),
query_params: q,
headers: hs,
cookies: cookies,
body: b
defmodule Antikythera.G2gResponse do
use Croma.Struct,
recursive_new?: true,
fields: [
status: Http.Status.Int,
headers: Http.Headers,
cookies: Http.SetCookiesMap,
body: Http.Body
@doc """
Creates a new version of `Antikythera.G2gResponse` struct by body decompression and decoding.
This function decompresses body of g2g response according to `content-encoding` and then
decodes the uncompressed body according to `content-type`.
If decompressed, `content-encoding` header is removed from the returned `Antikythera.G2gResponse`.
This function is used internally in `G2g.send/{1,2}` (i.e. body decoding is done automatically).
Basically gear implementations do not need this function.
The typical use case of this function (in conjunction with `G2g.send_without_decoding/{1,2}`)
is to avoid unnecessary encoding/decoding when a gear action
- returns the g2g response as it is, and
- reads body of the g2g response.
defun decode_body(%__MODULE__{headers: headers, body: body} = res) :: t do
if is_map(body) or is_list(body) do
{uncompressed, headers2} =
case headers["content-encoding"] do
"gzip" -> {:zlib.gunzip(body), Map.delete(headers, "content-encoding")}
"deflate" -> {:zlib.unzip(body), Map.delete(headers, "content-encoding")}
_ -> {body, headers}
decoded =
case headers2["content-type"] do
"application/json" <> _charset -> Poison.decode!(uncompressed)
_ -> uncompressed
%__MODULE__{res | headers: headers2, body: decoded}