# Copyright(c) 2015-2023 ACCESS CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Compile.PropagateFileModifications do
@shortdoc "Touches source files that need to be recompiled"
@moduledoc """
Normally mix automatically resolves which source files to recompile based on file modification times.
However some macro-related code modifications do not trigger recompilation.
This mix task finds those kinds of modifications and touch files to compile so that subsequent task recompiles them.
Note that `@external_resource` module attribute does not support directory as external dependency of a module.
For a module that depends on all files under a directory, we have to manually check the latest modification time
of the whole directory tree.
Current targets of this task are:
- `mix.exs` files in gear projects depend on `mix_common.exs` in the antikythera repository.
Mix assumes that project configurations reside only in `mix.exs` and `config/*.exs`,
so even if `mix_common.exs` has been modified mix does not notice.
Note that antikythera's `mix.exs` also depends on `mix_common.exs` but it's handled differently
(at the beginning of `mix.exs`), because we can't run mix tasks before it's compiled!
- `SomeGear.Template` module depends on all existing HAML templates in `web/template/`.
- Similarly, `SomeGear.Asset` module depends on all asset files in `priv/static/`.
Although `SomeGear.Asset` is recompiled after modifying an asset file, it doesn't automatically trigger
recompilation/reload in iex session because `priv/static/**` is not monitored by `:exsync` (in current configuration).
use Mix.Task.Compiler
def run(_) do
mix_common_path = Path.join([__DIR__, "..", "..", "mix_common.exs"])
touch_if_older_than_any("mix.exs", [mix_common_path])
touch_if_older_than_any_in_dir(Path.join("web", "template.ex"), Path.join("web", "template"))
touch_if_older_than_any_in_dir(Path.join("web", "asset.ex"), Path.join("priv", "static"))
{:ok, []}
defp touch_if_older_than_any(target, dependencies) do
case File.stat(target) do
{:ok, %File.Stat{mtime: mtime}} ->
if newer_dependency_exists?(mtime, dependencies) do
{:error, :enoent} ->
defp newer_dependency_exists?(target_mtime, dependencies) do
Enum.any?(dependencies, fn d ->
case File.stat(d) do
{:ok, stat} -> target_mtime < stat.mtime
# neglect nonexisting entry (probably due to absence of toplevel of the directory tree)
{:error, :enoent} -> false
defp touch_if_older_than_any_in_dir(target, dir) do
paths = Path.wildcard(Path.join(dir, "**"))
touch_if_older_than_any(target, [dir | paths])