# Copyright(c) 2015-2023 ACCESS CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
use Croma
defmodule Antikythera.Test.GearLogHelper do
@moduledoc """
Helpers to work with gear logs within tests.
alias Antikythera.{Context, Conn}
alias Antikythera.Test.ConnHelper
alias AntikytheraCore.GearLog.ContextHelper
@doc """
Sets a context ID (which is included in gear logs) to process dictionary so that logs can be emitted during test executions.
If no argument is given, generates a new context ID and sets it.
defun set_context_id(conn_or_context_or_nil :: nil | Context.t() | Conn.t() \\ nil) :: :ok do
nil -> set_context_id(ConnHelper.make_conn())
%Context{} = context -> ContextHelper.set(context)
%Conn{} = conn -> ContextHelper.set(conn)