# Any HTTP

Elixir library which wraps the main HTTP libraries. It allows the final project to decide which
HTTP library they want to use and provide an unified interface.


## Installation

def deps do
    {:any_http, "~> 0.3"}

## Configuration

### [Req](

Declare your favorite HTTP library in the configuration

config :any_http, client_adapter: AnyHttp.Adapters.Req

Ensure, you added the corresponding dependency for the adapter:

def deps do
    {:req, "~> 0.4"}

### [:httpc](

Declare your favorite HTTP library in the configuration

config :any_http, client_adapter: AnyHttp.Adapters.Httpc

## Usage

Just call the `AnyHttp` module to interact with HTTP:

  # Provide the URL as a string or an URI
  # Provide the HTTP headers as map or list of tuple, put nil if none
  %{"content-type" => "application/json"},
  # Provide the body, put nil if none
  Jason.encode!(%{hello: "world"}),
  # Provide the adapter options, can be ommited
  receive_timeout: :timer.seconds(5)

The result will look like:

    status: 201,
    headers: %{"content-type" => ["application/json"]},
    body: "{\"bye\":\"world\"}"