
defmodule Api2pdf.Model.LibreOfficeRequest do
  @moduledoc """
  Payload that can be used to:

  - [Convert Office Document or Image File to PDF format using LibreOffice](
  - [Generate an image thumbnail preview of an Office document or PDF file](
  - [Convert a PDF file to HTML using LibreOffice. Limitation is that images will be lost](
  - [Convert HTML to docx format using LibreOffice](
  - [Convert HTML to .xlsx using LibreOffice](
  @enforce_keys [:url]
  defstruct [
    inline: true,
    useCustomStorage: false

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          url: String.t(),
          fileName: String.t(),
          extraHTTPHeaders: map(),
          storage: Api2pdf.Model.FileStorageOptions.t(),
          inline: boolean(),
          useCustomStorage: boolean()