# ApiCommons

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<!-- Common operations for fast REST API development and documentation. -->

This library aims to ease the development of REST API's, by providing
functions to parse Parameters and generate outputs.

Ease creation of REST APIs. This library provides functions to 

- Parse received parameters
- Generation 

Parse received parameters against ecto schemas or manual parameter definitions.
Automatically generate error responses from errors occured while parsing.


<!-- Transform your ecto schemes into  -->
<!-- even though there are reccurant things that need to be done.
This library is an attempt to increase the speed in which REST APIs can be developed. -->

## Index 
1. [Roadmap](#Roadmap)
2. [Installation](#Installation)
3. [Dependencies](#Dependencies)
4. [Examples](#Examples)
  1. [Parameter check](#Parameter-check)
5. [Contribution](#Contribution)

## Roadmap
- [ ] Functions to check parameters manually received at endpoint
- [ ] Function to check received parameters against ecto.schema
- [ ] Auto-Generation of error responses

- [ ] Auto generation of endpoints via DSL/macro usage
  - [ ] Common operations create, index, show, delete, update
  - [ ] Auto generate view functions

- [ ] Auto-Generate OpenAPI spec and documentation (from DSL/Function definitions (Compile time inspection of functions without macro?))
- [ ] Auto-Generate HTML API Documentation

- [ ] Map Plug.Conn specific errors to REST error responses (405, ...)
- [ ] Optionally generate [Hateoas](#HATEOAS) links

- [ ] Mix tasks to generate endpoints?

    # Check wether parameter of a specific struct
    def takesStruct(struct = %StructTest{}) do

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `api_commons` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:api_commons, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](

## Dependencies

## Parameter check

| Function | Description
| --- | ---
| &check/3 | Check received parameter list for a single parameter
| &like_schema/3 | Check received parameters against ecto schema


defmodule AppWeb.CommentController do
  use AppWeb, :controller
  alias ApiCommons.Parameter

  def create(conn, params) do
    param_checks = conn
    |> Parameter.check(:user, type: :integer, position: :body)
    |> Parameter.check(:title, position: :body)
    |> Parameter.check(:content, position: :body)
    |> Parameter.check(:response_on, type: :integer, required?: false)

    # Render either error view or the entity
    if param_checks.valid? do
      render("comment.json", params: param_checks.parsed)
      render("error.json", errors: param_checks.errors)

defmodule AppWeb.CommentView do
  use AppWeb, :view
  alias ApiCommons.Response

  def render("error.json", params) do
    # Render the error

  def render("comment.json", params) do



defmodule AppWeb.CommentController do
  use AppWeb, :controller

  alias AppRepo.Comment
  alias ApiCommons.Parameter

  def create(conn, params) do
    param_checks = params
    |> Parameter.like_json(Comment)

    # Render either error view or the entity
    if param_checks.valid? do
      render("comment.json", params: param_checks.parsed)
      render("error.json", errors: param_checks.errors)

  - [JSON HAL](
  - [Collections + JSON](
  - [Verbose](
  - [Siren](
  - [JSON:API](

## Contribution