The library was inspired by [Apns4erl](

## Warning

This library is a work in progress and it's API is subject to change till `v0.1`, please consider use of `== ver` operator rather than `~> ver` when requiring `apns4ex` as a dependency or your application may be broken with next release of the library.

## Installation

  1. Add apns to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

        def deps do
          [{:apns, "== 0.0.7"}]

  2. Ensure apns is started before your application:

        def application do
          [applications: [:apns]]

## Usage

Config the APNS app and define pools

config :apns,
  # Here goes "global" config applied as default to all pools started if not overwritten by pool-specific value
  callback_module:  APNS.Callback,
  timeout:          30,
  feedback_interval: 1200,
  reconnect_after:  1000,
  support_old_ios:  true,
  # Here are pools configs. Any value from "global" config can be overwritten in any single pool config
  pools: [
    # app1_dev_pool is the pool_name
    app1_dev_pool: [
      env: :dev,push server)
      pool_size: 10,
      pool_max_overflow: 5,
      # and this is overwritten config key
      certfile: "/path/to/app1_dev.pem"
    app1_prod_pool: [
      env: :prod,
      certfile: "/path/to/app1_prod.pem",
      pool_size: 100,
      pool_max_overflow: 50

### Config keys

Name               | Default value  | Description
:----------------- | :------------- | :-------------------
certfile           | nil            | Path to APNS certificate file
cert_password      | nil            | APNS certificate password (if any)
keyfile            | nil            | Path to APNS keyfile
callback_module    | APNS.Callback  | This module will receive all error and feedback messages from APNS
timeout            | 30             | Connection timeout in seconds
feedback_interval  | 1200           | The app will check Apple feedback server every `feedback_interval` seconds
reconnect_after    | 1000           | Will reconnect after 1000 notifications sent
support_old_ios    | true           | Push notifications are limited by 256 bytes (2kb if false), this option can be changed per message individually
pools              | []             | List of pools to start

### Pool keys

Pool key           | Description
:----------------- | :-------------
env                | :dev for Apple sandbox push server or :prod for Apple production push server
pool_size          | Maximum pool size
pool_max_overflow  | Maximum number of workers created if pool is empty

All pools defined in config will be started automatically

From here and now you can start pushing your PNs via APNS.push/2 and APNS.push/3:
message =
message = message
|> Map.put(:token, "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
|> Map.put(:alert, "Hello world!")
|> Map.put(:badge, 42)
|> Map.put(:extra, %{
  "var1" => "val1",
  "var2" => "val2"
APNS.push :app1_dev_pool, message
APNS.push :app1_prod_pool, "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "Hello world!"

## Handling APNS errors and feedback

You can define callback handler module via config param `callback_module`, the module should implement 2 functions: `error/1` and `feedback/1`. These functions will be called when APNS responds with error or feedback to the app. `%APNS.Error` and `%APNS.Feedback` structs are passed to the functions accordingly.

## Structs

- %APNS.Message{}
defstruct [
  id: nil,
  expiry: 86400000,
  token: "",
  content_available: nil,
  alert: "",
  badge: nil,
  sound: "default",
  priority: 10,
  extra: [],
  support_old_ios: nil
- %APNS.Error{}
defstruct [
  message_id: nil,
  status: nil,
  error: nil
- %APNS.Feedback{}
defstruct [
  time: nil,
  token: nil
- %APNS.Message.Loc{}
defstruct [
  title: "",
  body: "",
  title_loc_key: nil,
  title_loc_args: nil,
  action_loc_key: nil,
  loc_key: "",
  loc_args: [],
  launch_image: nil