# AppEnv
Copy environment variables to Application config. Intended to be used at runtime to override config values using environment variables.
## Examples
Copying a value wholesale.
%{"foo" => "bar"} = Application.get_env(:my_app, :my_config)
"1" = System.get_env("FOO")
:ok = AppEnv.copy("FOO", :my_app, :my_config)
"1" = Application.get_env(:my_config, :my_config)
Copying a value with custom parsing and merging.
%{"foo" => "bar"} = Application.get_env(:my_app, :my_config)
"1" = System.get_env("FOO")
:ok = AppEnv.copy("FOO", :my_app, :my_config, fn old_value, env_value ->
case Integer.parse(env_value) do
{new_value, ""} -> {:ok, Map.put(old_value, "foo", new_value)}
error -> {:error, "error parsing FOO: #{inspect(error)}"}
%{"foo" => 1} = Application.get_env(:my_config, :my_config)
Copying a value to a Kernel.put\_in/3-style path.
%{"foo" => "bar"} = Application.get_env(:my_app, :my_config)
"1" = System.get_env("FOO")
:ok = AppEnv.copy_to("FOO", :my_app, :my_config, ["foo"])
%{"foo" => "1"} = Application.get_env(:my_config, :my_config)
Copying a value to a Kernel.put\_in/3-style path with custom formatting.
%{"foo" => {"bar" => "baz"}} = Application.get_env(:my_app, :my_config)
"1" = System.get_env("FOO_BAR")
:ok = AppEnv.copy_to("FOO_BAR", :my_app, :my_config, ["foo", "bar"], fn env_value ->
case Integer.parse(env_value) do
{new_value, ""} -> {:ok, new_value}
error -> {:error, "error parsing FOO: #{inspect(error)}"}
%{"foo" => {"bar" => 1}} = Application.get_env(:my_config, :my_config)
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `app_env` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:app_env, "~> 0.1.0"}
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