# AppOptex

Client for [AppOptics API](https://docs.appoptics.com/api/)
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `app_optex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:app_optex, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/app_optex](https://hexdocs.pm/app_optex).
## Usage
Uses the `APPOPTICS_TOKEN` environment variable.
### Send a single measurement
iex> AppOptex.measurement("my.mertic", 10, %{my_tag: "value"})
iex> AppOptex.measurement(%{name: "my.mertic", value: 10}, %{my_tag: "value"})
### Send multiple measurements
iex> AppOptex.measurements([%{name: "my.mertic", value: 1}, %{name: "my.other_mertic", value: 5}], %{my_tag: "value"})
### Read metrics
iex> AppOptex.read_measurements("my.mertic", 60, %{duration: 86400})
"attributes" => %{"created_by_ua" => "hackney/1.15.1"},
"links" => [],
"name" => "my.mertic",
"resolution" => 60,
"series" => [
"measurements" => [%{"time" => 1554720060, "value" => 10.0}],
"tags" => %{"my_tag" => "value"}
### Set global tags
These tags will be applied to every sent measurement.
iex> AppOptex.put_global_tags(%{my: "tag"})
### Read global tags
iex> AppOptex.get_global_tags()
%{my: "tag"}
### Send using a queue
iex> AppOptex.push_to_queue([%{name: "my.metric.1", value: 1}], %{test: true})
iex> AppOptex.push_to_queue([%{name: "my.metric.2", value: 1}], %{test: true})
iex> AppOptex.push_to_queue([%{name: "my.metric.3", value: 1}], %{test: true})
iex> AppOptex.flush_queue()