# AppSignal agent for Elixir / Phoenix

This library collects error and performance data from your Elixir
applications and sends it to [AppSignal](

[![Build Status](](

**NOTE: This library is alpha software, and still under development. Use at your own risk. API changes might occur without notice. Please refer to the [Roadmap]( document for more information.**

## Installation

  1. Add `appsignal` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:appsignal, "~> 0.0.0"}]

  2. Ensure `appsignal` is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:appsignal]]

  3. If you use the
     [Phoenix framework](, *use* the
     `Appsignal.Phoenix` module in your `endpoint.ex` file, just
     *before* the line where your router module gets called
     (which should read something like `plug MyApp.Router`):

     use Appsignal.Phoenix

When the AppSignal OTP application starts, it looks for a valid
configuration (e.g. an AppSignal push key), and start the AppSignal agent.

If it can't find a valid configuration, a warning will be logged. See
the "Configuration" section below on how to fully configure the
AppSignal agent.

## Configuration

[Sign up on AppSignal]( and put
the hexadecimal key in your `config.exs`:

    config :appsignal, :config,
      name: :my_first_app,
      push_api_key: "your-hex-appsignal-key"

Alternatively, you can configure the agent using OS environment variables:

    export APPSIGNAL_APP_NAME=my_first_app
    export APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY=your-hex-appsignal-key

The full list of variables that can be configured is the following:

 - `APPSIGNAL_ACTIVE` (Elixir config key: `:active`)
 - `APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY` (Elixir config key: `:push_api_key`)
 - `APPSIGNAL_APP_NAME` (Elixir config key: `:name`)
 - `APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_ENDPOINT` (Elixir config key: `:endpoint`)
 - `APPSIGNAL_FRONTEND_ERROR_CATCHING_PATH` (Elixir config key: `:frontend_error_catching_path`)
 - `APPSIGNAL_DEBUG` (Elixir config key: `:debug`)
 - `APPSIGNAL_LOG_PATH` (Elixir config key: `:log_path`)
 - `APPSIGNAL_IGNORE_ERRORS` (Elixir config key: `:ignore_errors`)
 - `APPSIGNAL_IGNORE_ACTIONS` (Elixir config key: `:ignore_actions`)
 - `APPSIGNAL_HTTP_PROXY` (Elixir config key: `:http_proxy`)
 - `APPSIGNAL_RUNNING_IN_CONTAINER` (Elixir config key: `:running_in_container`)
 - `APPSIGNAL_WORKING_DIR_PATH` (Elixir config key: `:working_dir_path`)
 - `APPSIGNAL_ENABLE_HOST_METRICS` (Elixir config key: `:enable_host_metric`)