# AppSignal agent for Elixir / Phoenix

This library collects error and performance data from your Elixir
applications and sends it to [AppSignal](

[![Build Status](](
[![Hex pm](](

**NOTE: This library is beta software, and still under development. Use at your own risk. API changes might still occur without notice. Please refer to the [Roadmap]( document for more information.**

See [Getting started]( on how to use this library.

Full documentation:

## Branches and versions

The `master` branch corresponds to the current release of the
library. The `develop` branch is used for development of features that
will end up in the next minor release. If you fix a bug open a pull
request on `master`, if it's a new feature on `develop`.

## License

The Appsignal library source code is released under the MIT
License. Check the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more information.