# Apruve
## Installation
The package can be installed
by adding `apruve` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:apruve, git: "https://example.com/apruve-tmp.git"}
## Configuration
All functions that need to do API calls take a `%Apruve.ClientConfig{}` struct.
When this is passed to all the function calls that need it, no other configuration is needed.
Alternatively a global configuration can be set like this:
config :apruve,
client_config: %{
api_key: "API KEY GOES HERE",
hostname: "test.apruve.com",
scheme: "https",
adapter: Apruve.Adapters.Hackney
When this is set, the atom `:from_app_config` can be passed instead of a ClientConfig struct.
## Examples
### Get an order by order id passing configuration in a struct
`{:ok, order} = Apruve.Order.get("719101ae45b8fab4fb542ed65b455635", %Apruve.ClientConfig{adapter: Apruve.Adapters.Hackney, scheme: "https", hostname: "test.apruve.com", api_key: "API KEY GOES HERE"})`
### Get an order by order id using the application config
`{:ok, order} = Apruve.Order.get("719101ae45b8fab4fb542ed65b455635", :from_app_config)`
## Datetimes
Datetimes from the Apruve API are returned as ISO 8601 strings with timezone offset. When sending data to the Apruve API, a `DateTime` struct can also be used. For instance the `delivered_at` field of a `Shipment` can be set to a `DateTime`. `DateTime` structs will be converted to strings automatically before being sent to Apruve.