# Aqua
**Aqua** is general templating and scaffolding solution for **Elixir** projects,
that helps:
* make the **Elixir's** development experience smoother
* follow the best practices for project structuring
* increase development speed
**Aqua** by itself tries to bring the most common and general templates and code snippets, that are widely used in development,
and also allowes it's users to create there own templates and snippets.
## Acknowledgements
**Aqua** is heavily inspired by [Dave's Thomas](https://pragdave.me) solutions:
* [Mix Generator](https://github.com/pragdave/mix_generator)
* [Mix Templates](https://github.com/pragdave/mix_templates)
while tries to bring some new features, that probably can be usfull for day-by-day coding experience.
Also, because **Aqua** is used as a **Mix** archive, other **Elixir** packages can not be used as it's dependencies.
While **JSON** configurations are widely used across **Aqua** and it's templates,
[Jason](https://github.com/michalmuskala/jason) library is fully copied, namespaced and backed inside **Aqua** package.
All copyrights and notes for this library can be found in it's [license](https://github.com/michalmuskala/jason/blob/master/LICENSE) section.
## Installation
**Note:** you should not add `aqua` as dependency for your project.
Install it locally as mix archive, using:
$ mix archive.install hex aqua
## Quick-start
Simply run
$ mix aqua
and follow the instructions :)
### To create new project:
* Standalone:
$ mix aqua new umbrella my_umbrella
$ mix aqua new console foo --no-test
$ mix aqua new otp bar --force
* Inside umbrella - call commands in umbrella's root, not inside `apps` folder:
$ mix aqua new umbrella my_umbrella
$ cd my_umbrella
$ mix aqua new ecto db
$ mix aqua new plug server
### To add new predefined file:
* Standalone:
Using alias:
$ mix aqua add empty.struct MyApp.Structs.User
Using path:
$ mix aqua add empty.struct ./lib/my_app/structs/post.ex
* Inside umbrella:
Using alias:
$ mix aqua add empty.struct MyFapp.Structs.User
error: :my_fapp child application is not found
$ mix aqua add empty.struct MyApp.Structs.User
Using path:
$ mix aqua add empty.struct ./apps/my_app/lib/my_app/structs/post.ex --force
### Update template:
$ mix aqua update plug
## General information
### Domain Terminology
Across **Aqua** ecosystems, next terminology is accepted:
* **Template** - repository, properly structured, that contains data that can be used by **Aqua** to generate **Scaffolds** and **Injects**;
* **Predefined template** - no more predefined then other, but is placed on GitHub under **aquapm** organisation;
* **Custome template** - any template, that can be found across entire Internet;
* **Scaffold** - *full* project files bundle, that is generated in separate folder, and generally is **Mix project**;
* **Inject** - single file, that in most cases represents **Elixir module**, and can be placed (or *injected*) in any proper place of your **Mix project**;
* **Args** - command line arguments, that can be passed to different **Aqua** commands;
* **Common args** - args, that are accepted by every **Aqua** command, obviosly optional;
* **Custom args** - args, that are specified in config of **Template**. Are specific for every **Scaffold** or **Inject**;
### File system artifactory
**Aqua** uses `~/.aqua` folder for it's internal needs. This means that:
* Each user will have his own **Aqua** configuration;
* Different **Elixir** version (for example, switchable by ASDF) will share **same** configuration;
### Templates
**Templates** generally can have information about **Scaffold** and **Injects**, including there configuration and **Args**.
Predefined templates list can be found under:
* **AquaPM** Github organization - [here](https://github.com/aquapm)
* After calling:
mix aqua list
Custom templates can be found everywhere, or created by yourself. Read [Documentation](#documentation) to get information about **Template creation**.
### Scaffold
**Scaffold** can be created using **new** command. Use:
$ mix aqua help new
in order to get information about this command. **Args** for the scaffold can be found it it's **Template** documentation
### Inject
**Inject** can be created using **add** command. Use:
$ mix aqua help add
in order to get information about this command. **Args** for the scaffold can be found it it's **Template** documentation
## Documentation
The docs can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/aqua](https://hexdocs.pm/aqua).