# Arangox
An implementation of [`DBConnection`](https://hex.pm/packages/db_connection) for
Supports [VelocyStream](https://www.arangodb.com/2017/08/velocystream-async-binary-protocol/),
[active failover](https://www.arangodb.com/docs/stable/architecture-deployment-modes-active-failover-architecture.html),
transactions and streamed cursors.
Tested on:
- **ArangoDB** 3.4 - 3.8
- **Elixir** 1.6 - 1.12
- **OTP** 20 - 24
## Examples
iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(pool_size: 10)
iex> {:ok, %Arangox.Response{status: 200, body: %{"code" => 200, "error" => false, "mode" => "default"}}} = Arangox.get(conn, "/_admin/server/availability")
iex> {:error, %Arangox.Error{status: 404}} = Arangox.get(conn, "/invalid")
iex> %Arangox.Response{status: 200, body: %{"code" => 200, "error" => false, "mode" => "default"}} = Arangox.get!(conn, "/_admin/server/availability")
iex> {:ok,
iex> %Arangox.Request{
iex> body: "",
iex> headers: %{},
iex> method: :get,
iex> path: "/_admin/server/availability"
iex> },
iex> %Arangox.Response{
iex> status: 200,
iex> body: %{"code" => 200, "error" => false, "mode" => "default"}
iex> }
iex> } = Arangox.request(conn, :get, "/_admin/server/availability")
iex> Arangox.transaction(conn, fn c ->
iex> stream =
iex> Arangox.cursor(
iex> c,
iex> "FOR i IN [1, 2, 3] FILTER i == 1 || i == @num RETURN i",
iex> %{num: 2},
iex> properties: [batchSize: 1]
iex> )
iex> Enum.reduce(stream, [], fn resp, acc ->
iex> acc ++ resp.body["result"]
iex> end)
iex> end)
{:ok, [1, 2]}
## Clients
### Velocy
By default, Arangox communicates with _ArangoDB_ via _VelocyStream_, which requires the `:velocy` library:
def deps do
{:arangox, "~> 0.4.0"},
{:velocy, "~> 0.1"}
The default vst chunk size is `30_720`. To change it, you can include the following in your `config/config.exs`:
config :arangox, :vst_maxsize, 12_345
### HTTP
Arangox has two HTTP clients, `Arangox.GunClient` and `Arangox.MintClient`, they require a json library:
def deps do
{:arangox, "~> 0.4.0"},
{:jason, "~> 1.1"},
{:gun, "~> 1.3.0"} # or {:mint, "~> 0.4.0"}
Arangox.start_link(client: Arangox.GunClient) # or Arangox.MintClient
iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(client: Arangox.GunClient)
iex> {:ok, %Arangox.Response{status: 200, body: nil}} = Arangox.options(conn, "/")
**NOTE:** `:mint` doesn't support unix sockets.
**NOTE:** Since `:gun` is an Erlang library, you _might_ need to add it as an extra application in `mix.exs`:
def application() do
extra_applications: [:logger, :gun]
To use something else, you'd have to implement the `Arangox.Client` behaviour in a
module somewhere and set that instead.
The default json library is `Jason`. To use a different library, set the `:json_library` config to the module of your choice, i.e:
config :arangox, :json_library, Poison
### Benchmarks
**pool size** 10
**parallel processes** 1000
**system** virtual machine, 1 cpu (not shared), 2GB RAM
| Name | Latency |
| ------------ | --------- |
| Velocy: GET | 179.74 ms |
| Velocy: POST | 201.23 ms |
| Mint: GET | 207.00 ms |
| Mint: POST | 216.53 ms |
| Gun: GET | 222.61 ms |
| Gun: POST | 243.65 ms |
<sub>Results generated with [`Benchee`](https://hex.pm/packages/benchee).</sub>
## Start Options
Arangox assumes defaults for the `:endpoints`, `:username` and `:password` options,
and [`db_connection`](https://hex.pm/packages/db_connection) assumes a default
`:pool_size` of `1`, so the following:
Is equivalent to:
options = [
endpoints: "http://localhost:8529",
pool_size: 1
## Endpoints
Unencrypted endpoints can be specified with either `http://` or
`tcp://`, whereas encrypted endpoints can be specified with `https://`,
`ssl://` or `tls://`:
"tcp://localhost:8529" == "http://localhost:8529"
"https://localhost:8529" == "ssl://localhost:8529" == "tls://localhost:8529"
"tcp+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock" == "http+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock"
"https+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock" == "ssl+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock" == "tls+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock"
"tcp://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock" == "http://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock"
"https://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock" == "ssl://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock" == "tls://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock"
The `:endpoints` option accepts either a binary, or a list of binaries. In the case of a list,
Arangox will try to establish a connection with the first endpoint it can.
If a connection is established, the availability of the server will be checked (via the _ArangoDB_ api), and
if an endpoint is in maintenance mode or is a _Follower_ in an _Active Failover_ setup, the connection
will be dropped, or in the case of a list, the endpoint skipped.
With the `:read_only?` option set to `true`, arangox will try to find a server in
_readonly_ mode instead and add the _x-arango-allow-dirty-read_ header to every request:
iex> endpoints = ["http://localhost:8003", "http://localhost:8004", "http://localhost:8005"]
iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(endpoints: endpoints, read_only?: true)
iex> %Arangox.Response{body: body} = Arangox.get!(conn, "/_admin/server/mode")
iex> body["mode"]
iex> {:error, %Arangox.Error{status: 403}} = Arangox.post(conn, "/_api/database", %{name: "newDatabase"})
## Authentication
### Velocy
ArangoDB's VelocyStream endpoints _do not_ read authorization headers, authentication configuration _must_ be
provided as options to `Arangox.start_link/1`.
As a consequence, if you're using bearer auth, there are a couple of caveats to bear in mind:
* New JWT tokens can only be requested in a seperate connection (i.e. during startup before the primary pool
is initialized)
* Refreshed tokens can only be authorized by restarting a connection pool
### HTTP
When using an HTTP client, Arangox will generate a _Basic_ or _Bearer_ authorization header if the `:auth` option is set to `{:basic, username, password}` or to `{:bearer, token}` respectively, and append it to every request. If the `:auth` option is not explicitly set, no authorization header will be appended.
iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(client: Arangox.GunClient, endpoints: "http://localhost:8001")
iex> {:error, %Arangox.Error{status: 401}} = Arangox.get(conn, "/_admin/server/mode")
The header value is obfuscated in transfomed requests returned by arangox, for obvious reasons:
iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(client: Arangox.GunClient, auth: {:basic, "root", ""})
iex> {:ok, request, _response} = Arangox.request(conn, :options, "/")
iex> request.headers
%{"authorization" => "..."}
## Databases
### Velocy
If the `:database` option is set, it can be overridden by prepending the path of a
request with `/_db/:value`. If nothing is set, the request will be sent as-is and
_ArangoDB_ will assume the `_system` database.
### HTTP
When using an HTTP client, arangox will prepend `/_db/:value` to the path of every request
only if one isn't already prepended. If a `:database` option is not set, nothing is prepended.
iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(client: Arangox.GunClient)
iex> {:ok, request, _response} = Arangox.request(conn, :get, "/_admin/time")
iex> request.path
iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(database: "_system", client: Arangox.GunClient)
iex> {:ok, request, _response} = Arangox.request(conn, :get, "/_admin/time")
iex> request.path
iex> {:ok, request, _response} = Arangox.request(conn, :get, "/_db/_system/_admin/time")
iex> request.path
## Headers
Headers can be given as maps:
%{"header" => "value"}
Or lists of two binary element tuples:
[{"header", "value"}]
Headers given to the start option are merged with every request, but will not override
any of the headers set by Arangox:
iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(headers: %{"header" => "value"})
iex> {:ok, request, _response} = Arangox.request(conn, :get, "/_api/version")
iex> request.headers
%{"header" => "value"}
Headers passed to requests will override any of the headers given to the start option
or set by Arangox:
iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(headers: %{"header" => "value"})
iex> {:ok, request, _response} = Arangox.request(conn, :get, "/_api/version", "", %{"header" => "new_value"})
iex> request.headers
%{"header" => "new_value"}
## Transport
The `:connect_timeout` start option defaults to `5_000`.
Transport options can be specified via `:tcp_opts` and `:ssl_opts`, for unencrypted and
encrypted connections respectively. When using `:gun` or `:mint`, these options are passed
directly to the `:transport_opts` connect option.
See [`:gen_tcp.connect_option()`](http://erlang.org/doc/man/gen_tcp.html#type-connect_option)
for more information on `:tcp_opts`,
or [`:ssl.tls_client_option()`](http://erlang.org/doc/man/ssl.html#type-tls_client_option) for `:ssl_opts`.
The `:client_opts` option can be used to pass client-specific options to `:gun` or `:mint`.
These options are merged with and may override values set by arangox. Some options cannot be
overridden (i.e. `:mint`'s `:mode` option). If `:transport_opts` is set here it will override
everything given to `:tcp_opts` or `:ssl_opts`, regardless of whether or not a connection is
See the `gun:opts()` type in the [gun docs](https://ninenines.eu/docs/en/gun/1.3/manual/gun/)
or [`connect/4`](https://hexdocs.pm/mint/Mint.HTTP.html#connect/4) in the mint docs for more
## Request Options
Request options are handled by and passed directly to `:db_connection`.
See [execute/4](https://hexdocs.pm/db_connection/DBConnection.html#execute/4) in the `:db_connection` docs for supported
Request timeouts default to `15_000`.
iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link()
iex> %Arangox.Response{status: 200, body: %{"code" => 200, "error" => false, "mode" => "default"}} = Arangox.get!(conn, "/_admin/server/availability", [], timeout: 15_000)
## Contributing
mix format
mix do format, credo --strict
docker-compose up -d
mix test
## Roadmap
- `:get_endpoints` and `:port_mappings` options
- An Ecto adapter
- More descriptive logs